Kerry interview on GMA

As I’ve written before I would sincerely like for John Kerry to give me a reason to vote for him. The positions he articulated in his interview this morning on ABC’s Good Morning America make it less likely that I’ll be able to do that. The key points that he made that I find dismaying were:

  1. He plans to remove U. S. forces from Iraq within four years.
  2. He doesn’t plan to maintain U. S. bases in Iraq.
  3. He doesn’t expect France or Germany to put “boots on the ground” in Iraq.

It took more than four years for democracy to establish a foothold in Germany, Japan, and South Korea. We’ve had bases there for fifty years.

Abandoning Iraq within four years will mean either another Saddam-like dictator there, civil war, an Iranian-style regime, a Taliban-style regime, or some combination of these. None of the above is acceptable.

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