Interesting Post on Milk Protein Concentrate (Updated)

I found a post I found truly fascinating at a blog called The Ethicurean on milk protein concentrate. Some milk producers are pointing to imported MPC as the source of their problems.

I’m not sure the results are in on that although I’m open to arguments both ways.

What certainly seems to be true is that, similar to the situation in automobiles, the world is producing a lot more milk than customers are buying and that’s not good news for American dairy farmers.

Here’s something I found particularly interesting:

Milk protein concentrates are created when milk is ultra-filtered, a process that drains out the lactose and keeps the milk protein and other large molecules. The protein components are then dried and become a powder. That all sounds relatively benign – until we learn that those “other large molecules” can include bacteria and somatic cells; that virtually all MPCs come from other countries, most of them with very poor food safety records (China, India, Poland, the Ukraine); and that the milk used to make MPCs is usually not cows’ milk. More often, it is from water buffalo, yaks, or other animals common to the countries where MPCs are manufactured.

Perhaps because of MPCs’ sketchy origins, they have never been approved as a food ingredient by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. (They are, however, a common ingredient in some brands of glue.) The FDA has a list of additives it allows in processed food – the GRAS list, for Generally Recognized as Safe – and MPCs ain’t on it. That means the FDA hasn’t carried out safety tests on MPCs, as the law requires for any additive on the GRAS list.

I was therefore surprised to learn that MPCs are widely used in dairy products manufactured and sold in the United States. Kraft Singles have them, as did most other brands of processed cheese slices that I checked in the grocery store last night. Some snack foods, coffee creamers, candies, and nutritional drinks have them. They’re not approved by the FDA as a food ingredient, but they’re in a whole lot of food.

If that doesn’t make you look twice at some of the stuff at the grocery store, you’ve got a stronger stomach than I do. Here’s a letter sent by the FDA to Kraft seven years ago. That ultimately resulted in re-labelling a number of its products but the products themselves are still on the shelves. Perhaps someone could explain that to me.


From comments: monopoly pricing is hurting dairy farmers.

3 comments… add one
  • Try monopsony, not monopoly.

  • Queastor Link

    Honestly it sounds like garbage to me, and this is from a guy who trust you me has no faith in the FDA and a bone to pick about the possible connection between dairy and Chrones.

    Lactose is difficult to digest so it’s hardly surprising that companies would want to filter it out and if there’s bacteria in milk that’s being filtered then that bacteria was in the milk in the first place. As long as it’s not making people sick, and as many food products as it’s in it must not be, I’m loath to say it’s a problem.

    What annoys me the most though is the assumption that our American milk supplies are so safe. Bovine growth hormone for example was shown in studies to have negative effects on the growth of children in studies in Peru. (My Mom speaks spanish and went to peru when she was younger.. so these studies were from the 70’s. roughly) Today bovine growth hormone is sofar as I know FED TO ALL COWS IN AMERICA. I know my grandparents gave it to their cows anyway. Before they gave up on dairy farming. It was just in the protein that you had to feed the cows.

    Also Cow milk has 4x the amount of fat in it that human milk has. So it’s not the healthiest kind for human consumption. Goat milk is closer. Not that I think it matters as long as it doesn’t make you sick.

    Me? can’t drink it makes me sick or to be more accurate tired/fatigued and gassy. (it’s da chrones)

    Keep your head up.

  • brandy Link

    Bovine growth hormone is not fed to ALL cows in america….you people have no idea what your talking about. you’ve prolly never set foot on a farm. A lot of farms don’t use the hormone because it ruins your cows…it cuts there life in half…you are just like every other cusumer in america…YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU TALKING ABOUT. I bet you put on your white collar shirt and go to work and sit at a desk all day. You get your paycheck every week along with your benefits. Farmer are the only THE ONLY people who know how to work hard in this country…they are the ONLY people who get up seven days a week at 4 in the morning the go to work till 10 at night. They are the ONLY people who know how to work hard for what they have. Now because of some bullshit where somebody got greedy along the way, farmers are watching everything they’ve worked form the only thing they’ve ever known, fall apart. They have no money. They are working twice as hard and with all the other cost of production incresing they can’t hang on. I hate people like you how don’t know what they are talking about. Did you ever stop to think that if there were no farmers….there would be NO FOOD. hello.?!?

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