How to Improve Education in America

People are frantically looking around for ways to improve education in the United States. Will Rogers made a pretty good suggestion nearly 80 years ago:

Why don’t they pass a constitutional amendment prohibiting anybody from learning anything? If it works as well as prohibition did, in five years Americans would be the smartest race of people on Earth.

7 comments… add one
  • Jimbino Link

    I suppose we could solve the mis-education problem entirely by prohibiting folks from refraining from all the wanton breeding?

    Maybe we should just prohibit contraception? Whoops! Rome has already tried that.

  • Drew Link
  • Icepick Link

    The usual from Drew. Everyone deserves exactly what happens to them. So that Chinese woman that was working the China Wok shop Wednesday night got exactly what she deserved. If she had just learned to speak jive the banger robbing her wouldn’t have shot her in the face. She earned it.

    (I’ll note that if she hadn’t been working so hard she wouldn’t be dead now. Incidentally I was out speaking to my neighbors around 8:00 that night. They were thinking about going to the China Wok to get some take-out. If they had gone when they were talking about going they would have been right there when the shooting happened. Instead he was all too happy to have someone new to talk conspiracy theories with. If I hadn’t appeared so interested in the Illuminati, they would of been right there. And last night a house a couple of streets back got invaded and the police put the neighborhood on lock-down complete with blockades and police helicopters pointing a search light into all our back yards. Just another random crime. Don’t tell me about luck playing no role in life.)

    I’ll also note that Carolla’s side-by-side resume bit was a complete joke, of the non-funny-doesn’t-have-a-clue variety. Try side-by-side-by-side-by-side and so on for about five hundred times, and THEN you’ve got the current situation.

    Yeah, all the twenty million (give or take a few million) people out of work are just a bunch of lazy so-and-sos hoping to win the Powerball.

    So fucking typical.

  • Icepick Link

    Speaking of conspiracy theories, some of my neighbor’s seemed a little less crazy after the wiretap story came out yesterday. Just sayin’. The line between reality and crazy has taken on a fractal-like quality.

  • Drew Link

    Nice straw man, Ice.

  • Icepick Link

    I’ll tell that to the woman at the China Wok. Oh, wait, I can’t, because she’s dead. But luck had nothing to do with it, right? She made her own fate, right? Nothing but her own actions had anything to do with it, right? Bitch shoulda got jive.

    The goddamned dumbest thing about your whole argument (that luck doesn’t matter, that the only thing that does matter is one’s own will) is the rather obvious point that other people have wills of their own, and many of them will be working at cross-purposes to anything you do.

    Carolla says that I need to have a resume that is twice as good as that other guy’s. What, that other guy isn’t going to do anything to improve his resume? In a nation with about 160,000,000 people that work or want to work, what are the odds that I CAN have not just the best resume, but one twice as good as the anyone else? Sorry, Dan Marino, you don’t get the job. You threw for a few more MILES than John Elway over your career, but you didn’t double him up, so you’re garbage.

    Insane. How can someone have been an engineer and believe in a deterministic universe? Were you raised in the 18th Century?

  • Drew Link

    Again, nice straw man, loser. By the way, Mr Golf Expert, I was at the Ryder today, and your “best golfer ever” took the gas, looking more like a clown flailing left and right, than a golfer this morning. No points.

    I think I understand you now; you are not a results guy, you are a shoulda, coulda, woulda guy.

    A pity.

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