
One of the powers of the hegemon is the ability to set the agenda.

Considering only President Obama and the current presidential aspirants, who is setting the agenda?

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  • Modulo Myself Link

    Sanders, pretty clearly.

    It’s telling that nobody is asking Hillary Clinton how she will reward the groups who have carried her to victory. One you don’t have to ask, because it’s obvious–wealthy white Democrats and the upper middle class are built into the system. She’s got them covered.

    But poor/working-poor African-Americans have basically no power. What is the masterful tactician going to do for African-Americans in Mississippi or South Carolina?

  • But poor/working-poor African-Americans have basically no power. What is the masterful tactician going to do for African-Americans in Mississippi or South Carolina?

    I’ve been discussing this very subject around the water cooler this morning.

  • Gray Shambler Link

    Make them FEEL that someone hears them. Is listening to them.
    That was Bill’s gift, and Blacks will give her their vote.

  • steve Link

    Actually, just quote GOP politicians and black voters will support her.


  • walt moffett Link

    Agenda setting, while Trump and Sanders are grabbing headlines, Obama still has the full powers of his office (e.g. 200+ troops to Iraq, etc) while Clinton merely has to look presidential. I’d said its a slow motion rugby scrum for now.

    As to the future, I expect President Clinton will encourage flood of rarely audited grants to the South’s HBCUs and same to NGOs both old and new staffed by loyalists. Whether this reaches the Black Belt community at large is an open question.

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