Gas bill

Just got our gas bill in the mail. We’re being charged about 30% more for using about 10% less gas than we did at this time last year. I suspect we’re not the only ones and it will be a long winter.

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  • Read your blockade idea from Winds of Change the Case for Invading Iran. It is a good idea, and it is one that I don’t think Bush was ever told of.

    I myself came to that conclusion independently, not that hard since everyone only thinks in terms of air/land invasion or air power alone. THey keep complaining about the military being stretched, but they don’t seem to get it that a navy does more than just offload Marines or launch fighters from carrier decks.

    A naval blockade stopping all ships to and from Iran, including perhaps some operations in Caspian Sea, would totally bankrupt Tehran. And it would avoid political ramifications and propaganda of civilian casualties. A ship sunk has no video to overplay it. A crew detained, cannot be accessed by reporters when they are out in the middle of the sea.

    It is the only workable solution that solves all the problems, and yet has enough teeth to make Iran do what we want them to do.

    If Bush is smart, he would do it. It is an effective solution precisely because nobody expects it or thinks about it, making the psychological impact all the greater on the Iranian’s side.

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