Family Ties

I won’t expand on the Wall Street Journal’s editorial about the Biden family business:

House Republicans on Wednesday released their latest report on the Biden family’s business ties, and one conclusion is that it’s good to be related to Joseph Robinette Biden. Hunter Biden and his relatives traded profitably off the Biden name with transactions that suggest the main family business is influence peddling.

other than to observe that that Michael Kinsley was right: the scandal is what’s legal. Influence-peddling is not illegal in the United States. Being an unregistered foreign agent is.

Also, I don’t care about George Marcos. It sounds to me like he’s a pathological liar. You can fool all of the people some of the time, etc.

5 comments… add one
  • steve Link

    The most successful malpractice attorney, ie makes the most money, was for a long time Arlen Specter’s son. It doesnt even have to be influence peddling. Lots of people just want to rub elbows with famous people since it then means they are special too. The kids of important politicians get to go to better schools than they should too for that matter.


  • Grey Shambler Link

    So smoke, but no fire because Marcos is a liar.
    I thought that the established process of buying politicians was bloated speakers fees.

    Why the complexity? Avoiding taxes, too?
    In the end, I’ll have to grudgingly believe Joe Biden when he says he no longer has any recollection of any of this. Probably doesn’t.

  • Jan Link

    Posters here will often ruminate about the character, ethical, and moral deficiencies of others, especially, it seems if these “others”:belong to an opposing party with an opposing way to govern. However, when one of their own exhibits similar or even far worse tendencies, the deficiencies of character, morality, and ethics are viewed and judged by a far more forgiving standard.

    Yesterday’s morning news conference, for example, exposed the Biden family’s long term propensity to extract monies from foreign entities, even enemy nations, for their own enrichment. Documents were presented showing 150 Suspicious Activity Reports (SARS) by banks, 20 LLCs under shell companies all formed to give $10 million (unearned) money to at least 9 members of the Biden family, and there was nothing but crickets, yawns, and zero coverage by the Dems. Such conduct is even seemingly excused because they say it’s “legal.” Whistleblowers who have come forward with info about the Biden corruption fear for their lives. The FBI refuses to release an unclassified form, submitted by a whistleblower, containing info related to Biden’s participation in pay-for-play activities.

    And, one wonders why so many people distrust the current government.

  • Larry Link

    Run for office Jan, fix it!

  • Grey Shambler Link

    Unlike Jan, the Vice President is an experienced criminal prosecutor, and she sees no wrongdoing in the ongoing influence peddling of her boss.
    In fact she can’t stop laughing.
    Eliot Ness she’s not.
    Remember she also has taken the oath of office.
    She probably has Visions of a very lucrative Presidency of her own.

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