Fake News

I don’t have much to say about “fake news” other than that it’s not new. As has been observed for at least 300 years, a lie can get halfway around the world while the truth is getting its pants on.

Among our gravest problems today are a lack of patience and a furor to act. Those along with the enormous availability of information, the profit motive in being the first with the story, and generally agonistic responses cause people to latch on to the first confirmation of their own biases they run across.

It is not a characteristic of Democrats or of Republicans. It is a feature of life in the 21st century. I suggest meditation.

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  • TastyBits Link

    How many times do we have to explain to you Rethuglicans and Trump-bots. Just because something is fake does not make it true. More fake means more true. This is not that difficult.

    Mr. Schuler, take off your MAGA hat, and get with the progrom. Perhaps a late night visit would help get your mind right.

  • Gray Shambler Link

    I think there’s a fairly well cemented “expectation of bias” at work.
    Another “Trump lied” story? CNN? Figures.
    Another “Illegal Alien murder story? Fox? Figures.
    Nancy Pelosi wants to fly to Davos to further US economic interests? Right.
    Trump says he cares about the American worker? Sure.
    Federal workers at food banks after missing one paycheck? No politics at work there. How dumb do they think I am?
    Very, very, very dumb.
    We search in vain for an honest leader. The best we can do is division of powers, and if that leads to a partial government shutdown, so be it. There’s a reason for the impasse, and to pass a continuing resolution without addressing that reason would be foolish.

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