Eye on the Watcher’s Council

Every week the members of the Watcher’s Council nominate the posts they think were the finest of the previous week. The entire list of submissions is here These are the submissions this week:

Joshuapundit, “Land For Peace, American Style”

Freedom Fighter returns to a theme he’s sounded before—drawing an analogy between the situation between the Israelis and Palestinians and the Mexican nationalist fantasists who claim large sections of the United States for Mexico or, perhaps, a homeland for people of Aztec descent. Actually, I don’t think the similarity is that strong.

Bookworm Room, “Has Obama already written the history books?”

I’m afraid that Bookworm is reading a little too much into a cliche. Hasn’t every president’s essay at Middle East peace been described as “historic”?

The Provocateur, “Honeymoon’s Over: Now Obama Faces Reality”

In a fine post Mike points out what should be obvious: the campaign is over and delivering on promises or even making the best of some bad situations will be a lot less fun that campaigning.

Right Truth, “In the name of God”

Debbie uses her title trope to make a connection between President Obama’s address at Notre Dame’s commencement, Islam in Iran, and American Muslims protesting in the streets of New York. It does make me wonder what people these days think is a violation of the Second Commandment (which Jews and most Protestants think of as the Third Commandment).

Rhymes With Right, “How Much Medical Scrutiny Is Appropriate For A Potential Justice?”

Greg wonders whether a candidate for Supreme Court Justice’s diabetes mellitus is a proper issue for consideration in whether she should be appointed. What fascinates me about the question is how something that was a death sentence a century ago has become a manageable chronic disease today. And spread more broadly through the population since those with a predisposition to it have more frequently survived long enough to reproduce.

The Razor, “The United States of California”

Scott ruminates on California’s budget woes and what the may mean for the rest of the nation.

The Glittering Eye, “The Doomsday Industry”

My submission this week was about professional prophets of doom. You’d think that they’d been wrong so often would inure us to such prognostications. Maybe it has.

The Colossus of Rhodey, “Another year comes to a close …”

Hube reflects on the end of another school year with some thoughts on what would really improve education.

Wolf Howling, “Candidate Obama versus President Obama In The War On Terror”

GW documents the sharp differences between what Barack Obama said on the campaign trail and what he’s done as president. The only exception I’d take with GW is that he seems to see it as a bad thing.

Soccer Dad, “Two state confusion”

Soccer Dad explains why a two-state solution may not be acceptable to the Palestinians.

Well, I’ve decided which posts I’ll vote for this week. Which posts would get your votes?

2 comments… add one
  • Brett Link

    Freedom Fighter returns to a theme he’s sounded before—drawing an analogy between the situation between the Israelis and Palestinians and the Mexican nationalist fantasists who claim large sections of the United States for Mexico or, perhaps, a homeland for people of Aztec descent. Actually, I don’t think the similarity is that strong.

    Who has he been talking to? It’s not like the “Aztlan” claim is actually taken seriously by the overwhelming majority of either southwestern Hispanics or Mexicans for that matter.

    It’s taken for granted among many “experts” that Abbas and Fatah accept a peaceful settlement with Israel. They don’t. They seek to supplant Israel. They’re just a bit more subtle about it than Hamas is, but it doesn’t make them less hostile.

    In terms of policy, they’ve largely accepted the idea that Israel will exist -and that’s ultimately all that matters. Egypt, for example, has plenty of baying fanatics calling for the destruction of Israel – yet it has the longest-lasting peace treaty between Israel and an Arab state.

  • Mah Goodness!!

    Hi Dave,
    I think you might feel differently about some of the similarities if you lived in Los Angeles instead of Chicago and listened to some of the rhetoric that goes on here. You’re right in one thing, the similarity between the two is a slight stretch- Israel has a much better legal claim on Hebron or Gush Etzion than the US on Texas and California. Contact me you-know-where if you’re ever in the mood to discuss it, m’kay?

    Ah, Brett…,
    First, there are plenty of people who take the Mexican claim to the US seriously..especially in Mexico and on certain college campuses. I merely chose to use some of the rhetoric comonly tossed at Israel and apply it here.

    Second, where did you get the idea that Fatah and Mahmoud Abbas de facto accept Israel’s existance? Both Abbas and Fatah kingpin Mohammed Dahlan have said quite plainly that they don’t, and the Fatah charter ( as oopsed tothe so-called Palestinian Authority) is quite explicit in that regard. I won’t even mention Hamas, who would win in a landslide if there were an election today in both Gaza and the Palestinian occupied areas of Judea and Samaria ( AKA the West Bank).

    To the Palestinians, this is a tribal war and can only end one way, which is why they’ve consistently refused to compromise and any of their demands or recognize the opposition’s righ tto exist..things one would normally do if peaceful coexistence was the object.

    And here’s another little secret: The day the Palestinian Authority agrees to a peaceful settlement of any kind with Israel, Abbas, Dahlan and the rest of the Fatah mafiosos are finished.Don’t think they don’t know it.

    As for Egypt, the treaty has survived for three reasons, none of which have anything to do with any inherent Egytian desire fo rpeace with Israel – one, Egypt’s poverty and need for US aid, two, Mubarak’s ongoing battle for power with the Muslim Brotherhood that trumps any revanchist struggle with the Jews and three, the knowledge that in the event of another war, Israel has the ability to blow the Aswan Dam and put most of the inhabited part of Egypt under fifteen feet of water.

    If those braying fanatics you mention ever get under control, if the government controlled Egyptian media and mosques ever stop spouting genocidal Jew hatred for a generation or so, you might have a chance for a peace based on mutual accord rather than what amounts to a long armistice based on simple deterrance, grudging acceptance and circumstance.

    Jabotinsky was right, and it becomes more obvious with the passing of time.

    Regards and Le Bon Weekend to you both,
    Rob @ JoshuaPundit.

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