As you may know the members of the Watcher’s Council each nominate one of his or her own posts and one non-Council post for consideration by the whole Council. The complete list of this week’s Council nominations is here.
The Colossus of Rhodey, Mrs. Obama’s ‘Proud’ Remark: It’s the GOP’s Fault
Hube tears into Michelle Obama’s comment about how she was proud of her country for the first time and the Obama campaign’s handling of the statement. Frankly, I think that they’ve bungled it. She just should have said she misspoke. Other than the harm that had already been done, it would have gone away. Now it’s staying up in the air.
Done With Mirrors, Packer on Iraq
Callimachus considers an article by George Packer in which Mr. Packer discusses the history of the Iraq War to date.
The Glittering Eye, Unforced Errors
In my own submission for this week I criticize our policy with respect to the Balkans which I think has been ignorant, short-sighted and in error for the last fifteen years.
Soccer Dad, Find the Adjectives
Soccer Dad analyzes a Washington Post article on Israel, paying special attention to the adjectives. As I commented on the post itself, unfortunately, American journalism has abandoned the old, punchy five W’s style in favor of story-telling and evoking an emotion. Journalism is advocacy.
Wolf Howling, Obama (with links) & McCain’s Petard
Continuing his defense of John McCain, GW compares and contrasts John McCain with Barack Obama.
Big Lizards, Associated Press, Like Others, Retails Malicious Rumor as “Reporting”
More criticism of journalistic advocacy, this time from Dafydd ab Hugh. In this post Dafydd dissects an Obama advocacy piece masquerading as news from the Associated Press.
Cheat Seeking Missiles, In A PC Nation, How Will The GOP Run?
I think there are several answers to Laer’s question. The first is the same as the answer to how you make love to a porcupine: very, very carefully. Another is tell it like it is, baby! Unfortunately, I think the Republicans are likely to do both at the same time, diminishing the effectiveness of both.
Bookworm Room, The Pursuit of Happiness
Bookworm is nonplussed by a provision in the California state consitution which, apparently, guarantees happiness to the residents of the state.
The Education Wonks, John Murtha: Porker of the Year!
EdWonk cites an article dubbing Rep. John Murtha as the leading recipient of budgetary pork in the Congress, a signal honor. IMO disproportionate attention is being paid to earmarks and other forms of bringing home the bacon which actually constitute a rather small proportion of the total budget. It’s distracting us from tackling the major budget items which is where most of the problems are.
Joshuapundit, ”I’d rather be with God against man than with man against God…”
Freedom Fighter reminds us of the heroism of Aristades De Sousa Mendes, Portugal’s consul general in Bordeaux, France, when the country was invaded by the Germans during World War II, only now recognized by his own country, fifty years after the man’s death. I wasn’t aware of the story and it’s one worth knowing about.
Rhymes With Right, An Ethics Flap That Isn’t
Greg posts on the New York Times’s stalwart attempt to make bricks without straw in the front page article it ran last week implying an improper relationship between John McCain and a young, female lobbyist.
Right Wing Nut House, Still At Risk: The Shocking Ignorance of Our Young
Rick Moran is appalled at the astounding ignorance of today’s young people. Apparently, he’s never scene the Jay Walking feature on The Tonight Show. I actually believe it’s worse than Rick thinks. Young people aren’t reading because they don’t consider reading a major method of obtaining information. As I’ve noted before we are living in a post-literate society, making a transition into a society in which visualcy is the society’s primary requirement. The Visual Society is unlikely to be one in which abstract thought or rational discourse is encouraged. I’m concerned that it won’t be a liberal democratic one.
Well, I’ve decided which posts I’ll vote for this week. Which posts would get your votes?
You know mate your Watcher’s Council is getting quite boring. Not you, but the Council. I’d rename them, ‘Boring Party Political Amateur Hacks Council.”
You’re the only interesting thinker among them mate. The others are really quite tedious party type hacks. Right, Left, doesn’t matter, they’re party liners.