Exchange Watch

Assuming this actually transpires, I wonder what the reaction to it will be? CNBC reports:

Half of Virginia’s counties now are on track to have no health insurers offering Obamacare plans in 2018 after an insurer reversed a decision to sell individual health coverage in much of the state.

The pullback by Optima Health in Virginia ends a brief, two-week period in which every county in the United States was projected to have at least one Obamacare insurer next year.

And it reflects ongoing uncertainty among insurers about the stability of the individual health plan market in light of the factors including Trump administration’s hostility to Obamacare.

On Wednesday, big insurer Anthem, citing market volatility, said it would slash in half the number of counties in Kentucky where it will sell Obamacare plans in 2018.

Virginia’s Bureau of Insurance said 48 counties and 15 cities are now expected to be “bare” of Obamacare plans in 2018.

There are a total of 350,000 Virginians who currently have individual health plan coverage and who live in those bare areas, or have a plan provided by an insurer that will not longer offer coverage next year, according to Sentara Healthcare, the nonprofit health system parent of Optima Health.

Virginia is the most over-represented state in the Union. Most of our alleged Congressional representatives are actually residents of the State of Virginia. A disproportionate number of bureaucrats, lobbyists, pundits and journalists live there as well. Consequently, Virginia looms large in the scheme of things and I’m sure that the plight of the uninsured in the State of Virginia will receive substantial attention.

9 comments… add one
  • mike shupp Link

    Trump supporters are getting an end to Obamacare, just as they’ve been praying for.

    Let us rejoice. Now we can stand back and watch the wonderful Free Market do its thing and be just totally amazed at how splendidly and quickly health care improves among the rural inhabitants of Virginia and Kentucky. What a marvelous example this is going to set. Oh, bliss, how great it is to be alive today!

    Golly, I bet I could be a conservative economics professor!

  • gray shambler Link

    Life is short and uncertain, I’m beginning to think we need to rethink how much of our limited earnings we want to spend on this scheme called insurance.

  • Mercer Link

    The political class don’t live in the rural areas which will have no insurers.

    The Dem candidate for Governor is a doctor. If he doesn’t win with this news the Dem party is in very poor condition.

  • gray shambler Link

    Mike, it’s not personal, conservatives see the ACA as a “Progressive” foot in the door for universal, rationed healthcare.
    With “Progressives” already firmly in control of higher education, Hollywood entertainment, infotainment, they serve as the nations thought police, insulting us with fabrications like “microagressions”‘ they try to control, or else demonize, our very existence.
    “Progressives” are wolves in sheep’s clothing, pretending compassion, they incrementally seize control until we eventually find ourselves living like Venezuelans. And then they’ll blame the bankrupt business’s and hospitals for our plight .

  • mike shupp Link

    Gray —

    Oh come now! I take some pills each day, mostly paid for by Medicare. That’s my Action Plan for spreading socialized medicine.

    I say hello to my black neighbors and nod to their kids when I see them, and they nod back. I push the trash barrels out Mondays, he brings them back on the lot Tuesdays. That’s my microagression for the week.

    I look at Amazon once or twice a month and try to decide, Do I want to get a Steven King movie or a Charlie Stross novel? That’s me exercising control of Hollywood.

    I go to websites to see weather forecasts and look at other websites that discuss politics and economics and technological issues, and at some of those sites I make snarky comments. That’s me as the Thought Police, forcing all you sheeple into the liberal corral.

    And I even find time to eat and sleep and shower and shave and get dressed and trim my toenails. I’m so amazing! But this is what life is about, this is what is expected of one who becomes a Dangerous Liberal.

  • steve Link

    So because some people at some (mostly) pricey schools worry about micro aggressions, and because of small groups of people living in parts of California and NYC you pass on health insurance? The people you worry about don’t describe anyone on the left I actually know. If your goal in life is to define those you disagree with by choosing the worst possible representatives, go ahead, but kind of a sucky way to live.


  • Janis Gore Link

    I nearly flipped the other morning . C-span started my day out very badly. A representative from Mass. was before Congress saying they should have done actuarial studies and suggested insurance rates for the 21-29 age group.

    Apparently, they were not done for the entire US. That’s squarely on Obama’s shoulders. He should be shamed.

  • Janis Gore Link

    Makes you livid, don’t it?

  • Neither University of Missouri nor Evergreen State College are “pricey schools”.

    Is the University of California at Berkeley a pricey school? Tuition is $11,000 per year. Compare with Oberlin ($52,000) and Yale ($47,000).

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