Ending Unwanted Robocalls

Have I ever mentioned my plan for ending unwanted robocalls? For each call the call originator’s account would be debited 10¢ and the called party’s account would be credited 10¢. Optionally, the called could enter a code and the 10¢ would be credited by the called party back to the call originator. All handled by the phone company.

I suspect that would put an end to most robocalls practically overnight. If it reduces the number but doesn’t end them, up the amount from 10¢ to 20¢

Yes, the system could be gamed and, yes, there are opportunities for fraud. Wire fraud is a federal crime.

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  • Guarneri Link

    Heh. I probably get 5 a day. I don’t know who they pay

    “So call us now………”

  • We probably get 30 a day.

    It is believed that most of the robocalls issue from a very small number of datacenters.

  • TastyBits Link

    I think the way they got around the Do Not Call list is by moving offshore.

    If I do not recognize the number or name, it goes to voicemail. Two of my favorites were calls from “INVALID NUMBER” and “INMATE CALL”. Once the voicemail was in an Asian sounding language.

    One call I inadvertently answered was from the ‘IRS’. It was actually amusing, and I am still waiting for the fines and audits. I also think I got an AI call. It sounded real, but there was an almost undetectable pause. When I started making nonsensical statements, it hung up. (“How many hubcaps on an apple pie?”)

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