
Today there was a mob chanting outside my office building for the better part of the day. At one point it sounded for all the world like a riot.

I took another look at the video of the execution of Laquan McDonald, paying closer attention to the aftermath. There’s little doubt about what’s going on. The police officers on the scene are comparing notes, getting their story straight. Under the circumstances there are two words for that: criminal conspiracy. They all filed reports that corroborated the shooter, Van Dyke’s account of what happened. No reasonable observer watching the video can draw any conclusion other than that they’re all lying.

The mob was calling on Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel to resign. Where the heck are our two major newspapers? Neither of them is asking the obvious questions. Did you watch the video? When? I doubt any Chicagoan believes anything other than not only is he involved in the conspiracy, he’s up to his hips in it.

And what about the Department of Justice? Their investigation into the incident is more than a year old now. There is a point at which investigation becomes obstruction.

The mayor gave a speech today. He said he was sorry. Nobody believes it.

11 comments… add one
  • michael reynolds Link

    Come now, I believe mayor Emmanuel is perfectly sincere in his concern for his career.

  • There’s a technical term that I think describes Emanuel pretty well. I think he’s a shmuck.

  • Guarneri Link

    “And what about the Department of Justice?”

    Justice? Lois Lerner. Fast and furious. An offensive youtube video. Please.

    This doesn’t touch a Rahm until the national media touches, no, grabs, Rahm and therefore Obama and Hillary. Then Rahm gets up close and personal with the wheels of a bus.

  • ... Link

    Where the heck are our two major newspapers?

    That’s what I’ve been wondering since I found out how the video came to light. Really, I had no idea that the city’s news papers were just stooges for the machine in Chicago. I mean, I know the national news organizations are just stooges for the Dems for the most part, but really, at the local level too?

    I guess I’m just surprised that my cynicism wasn’t up to proper standards.

  • CStanley Link

    From this distance, it seems as though the protests have been appropriately strident but peaceful. If that’s accurate, kudos to the leaders and organizers.

  • So far so good, CStanley. They’re noisy (at least when they’re protesting nearby) but that’s about it.

  • Andy Link

    I don’t know Chicago politics, but it’s hard for me to see how the Mayor survives this. I don’t think any reasonable person would believe that he was kept in the dark about the contents of the video.

  • He survives it as long as the DoJ is willing to keep the story buried continue its investigation. If it starts reaching Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton, he’ll drop like a stone.

  • Guarneri Link


    Dave might have a different view, but the Sun Times in my opinion has stooge status. The Trib, considered the “conservative” paper, is in my opinion all but stooges.


    Heh. Truth has nothing to do with it. He survives, if he survives, the same way the Clinton’s survive: draw it out to numb shock and create boredom, then pitch it as old news, and all along have surrogates turn it into a partisan spat where the truth and facts don’t matter, just whose side you are on.

  • michael reynolds Link

    Black Lives Matter has been very smart and effective. Someone at BLM gets politics.

  • jan Link

    I feel the same thing for “Black Lives Matter” demonstrations as I would feel should the label be “White Lives Matter.” Such movements separate races, divides humanity, and basically makes all lives more difficult and likely to walk on egg shells when around each other.

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