Day Book October 10, 2004

Today would have been my dad’s 90th birthday. He died quite a few years ago. He wasn’t rich or famous but he was loved by friends and family and continues to be missed. Someday I’ll write about some of his adventures and misadventures (and he had quite a few of them). But today I’ll just say he was the smartest, gentlest, hardest-working, wisest, most-loving man I’ve ever known.

4 comments… add one
  • Robin Burk Link

    What a lovely tribute, Dave!

  • Thanks, Robin. Nice of you to say so.

  • Thanks for the tribute post David. I echo your admiration of our Dad, and miss him as you do, too. You posted one of my favorite pictures of him. He’s reading (a common pose for him). I remember him always reading. If not a book, then a paper, a map (LOVED maps!—always planning our next trip) or the back of the cereal box. His prodigious intellect was a sponge soaking it all up, and I remember him as having an incredibly gifted mind, and sharing his thoughts in lots of discussions around The WB (Winding Brook, the name of our family home).

    And though he’s reading, his aspect could change in a twinkling. Some factors leading me to say this: the location (outside/the wind blowing in his hair), and my memory of him—he could any moment bound out of his seat at this picnic table—full of energy, high spirits, and as you remember, too—jump onward to the next adventure.

    Thanks for the memories, your sister, Ann.

  • Don Link

    Dave –

    I enjoy your writings about other subjects. However, this is the really important stuff.

    You’ve talked about your Dad over the years. The photo helps greatly in relating to him. You are definitely his son.


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