
I have a question, based on my general impression that there’s a lot of exaggeration these days. At what presidential political rallies has there been mass violence and by whom has it been perpetrated?

I don’t mean a single instance of someone slapping someone or punching them in the nose. I mean groups of people turning cars over, setting them on fire, or lobbing rocks at police. Stuff like that.

I don’t think there’s been much of it. Just list every instance you can think of.

7 comments… add one
  • walt moffett Link

    In the US, none that I can think of, it seems reserved for World Series victories, WTO protests, political conventions (e.g Chicago 1968) and race riots.

  • roadgeek Link

    San Jose, California, at a Trump rally. Protesters outside behaved poorly, assaulting Trump supporters, throwing eggs and causing havoc while the SJPD stood down. This WaPo article doesn’t tell the half of it.

  • Modulo Myself Link

    There’s been very little, and it’s all been pretty much laughable. But the right really wants to believe that American cities are about to go up in flames and the left really wants to believe that there are reactionary death squads about to infiltrate Park Slope after Trump loses.

  • steve Link

    I think the best you can find is stuff like the San Diego event where someone got egged. There were individual fights, but it was not clear who actually started them, and AFAICT few went to the hospital and none were hospitalized. You see worse at Black Friday sales events.


  • That’s my impression, too, MM. All very overheated, hyperventilating.

  • Guarneri Link

    My impression is that media was doing more hyperventilating than anyone.

  • Gray Shambler Link

    No, there’s nothing going on except for selfless public servants affiliated with The Democratic, (peoples) party attemting to create a seamlessly diverse, and therefore peaceful planet against the headwinds of a vast right wing secretive society supported, incredibly by the half of the American public that couldnt get into Hahvaad and be properly indoctrinated.
    Seriously, Lincoln is a University town, could not thrive as it does without Federal money which people associate with Democrat administrations, don’t know why, the Federal govt. grows whichever party is in power, maybe people are really afraid that Trump is different, that he MEANS it.
    In the city, you won’t see any Trump signs, but just drive out ten or fifteen miles and the lawns all have them, I don’t mean suburbs, I mean small towns.
    There are lots of people in Lincoln who will vote for Trump, but we keep it to ourselves. We don’t want our car windows broken or tire cut, true, but we just aren’t looking for a fight, and right or wrong, the perception is there that Hillary Clinton supporters will be in your face, I suppose it’s T V, Imaged of pissed off trannies marching for their own bathrooms. Pro-abortion zeal, vast armies of fighting age men fron GODKNOWSWHERE pouring over the border and in airliner convoys arranged by Barrck Obama, hundreds of Black teenage men or boys with underwear sticking out the back throwing rocks, smashing windows, looting and burning stores, snapchatting husbands with access to Secretary of State’s E mails (who else did Huma give access to?) Total disorder.

    On our side, It’s me, my wife,my family, God, apple pie, the guys at work. No, Trump supporters are not violent, just the opposite.

    My View.

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