Critical week for the Dem filibuster

With the presumed cloture vote this week, the comedy of the Democratic Senators’ faux filibuster of Mr. Bush’s appellate court nominations may be struggling to a close. I write “comedy” because the entire affair certainly doesn’t meet Aritstotle’s definition of tragedy: there’s no hero of great heart here. If there were the entire episode would have been ended long ago. Melodrama, perhaps.

I’ve neither surprised nor outraged at the behavior of either party. There are no great principles involved—this is just plain partisan politics at work.

I believe that both parties are acting imprudently. The Democrats should let more of Mr. Bush’s nominees come to the floor, nurse their grievances, and try and produce a candidate who actually can win the election next time around. The Republicans should remember that the day when they are no longer in the majority may be nearer than they think.

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