
You know, it’s darned hard to have a plutocracy that celebrates consumption and measures status based on how much you spend on the one hand and is able to criticize the excesses of the wealthy on the other. I don’t know how the pundits who claim to care about the conditions under which ordinary people live manage it.

That’s the problem with the “tax cuts for the rich” leitmotif. There’s a broad swathe of the American people whose reaction to them is “Well, good for them. Did you see what Kimye were (or were not) wearing?”. It is a recurring theme in American popular culture. How many movies are there celebrating the lavish lifestyles of criminals who were genuinely awful people? How does The Great Gatsby in its cinematic renderings always manage to be recast as a celebration of clothes, cars, and wealth?

Here in Illinois we have two billionaires running against each other for governor. Whomever is elected our next governor will be a billionaire.

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