
The editors of the Washington Post are unhappy about the firing of the Secretary of the Navy:

Most offensive is what Mr. Trump’s actions say about his view of the military. “We train our boys to be killing machines, then prosecute them when they kill!,” he tweeted in October when he announced he would review these cases. Perhaps Mr. Trump has watched too many bad war movies, but if he were to consult with his military leaders or talk to the many fine men and women in uniform, they would tell him they are trained to engage in combat while following the laws of war and upholding the country’s ideals.

I have no opinion about the underlying case or, indeed, whether the firing was warranted. Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution designates the president as command-in-chief of the military. Implicitly that means that the president has the authority to and occasionally will act against the best military advice.

I get it. The editors (and their columnists) don’t like Trump.

9 comments… add one
  • TarsTarkas Link

    And now DOD is doubling down. Apparently they’re going after the three Seals who testified in favor of Gallagher.

  • steve Link

    “I get it. The editors (and their columnists) don’t like Trump.”

    One of the more odd things you have written, even allowing for the need to not alienate Trump supporters. The authors could absolutely love Trump and still think it is a bad idea to undercut discipline and promote bad behavior. This decision, like almost everything Trump does totally disregards all the effects of the decision EXCEPT making his base happy. Since when does criticizing a president, while noting strong support from the professionals in the organization affected, equal hate? News organizations are no longer allowed to criticize a POTUS?

    Look, suppose Trump ordered a nuclear strike on Madrid (random choice). As I understand it, that is well within his rights as C-in-C. I hope that someone would criticize that. I would hope no one would be claiming that criticism existed only because Trump was hated. Sometimes POTUS makes a decision they have every right to make, but they are wrong.


  • Andy Link

    Well, I probably would have resigned before I got fired.

    Yes, the President may have the authority to unilaterally override the established administrative procedures for awarding certifications, but by doing so he is poisoning the well. He’s effectively killed whatever career Gallagher may have had left (probably nothing but retirement). Gallagher may keep his Trident, but he will never deploy again and won’t command respect in the SEAL community – that is something President Trump cannot bestow.

  • bob sykes Link

    What is going on is an open mutiny in both the Army and the Navy. This is on top of the revolt in the CIA, FBI, and DOJ. Even the weenies in the EPA reject the authority of our elected officials.

    This is the most important thing to come out of the Deep State revolt. Not only does the Deep State exist, but the people who comprise it in both the civil service and military do not accept the legitimacy of the rule of elected officials. For now Trump is suffering the revolt, but the belief that our elected officials are illegitimate extends to the members of Congress, too. Schiff is eating this stuff up, but he will be targeted, too.

    We have an embryonic Praetorian Guard. Someday they will choose Presidents and Congressmen, and rule openly.

    The other significant point thats needs comment is that a large number of the people participating in the revolt against Trump are Jews, perhaps a majority. This is really odd since Trump is the most pro-Israeli President since Truman. But, much of our politics looks like a Jewish family squabble.

  • Andy Link

    “What is going on is an open mutiny in both the Army and the Navy.”

    What we have here was some minor pushback against the President making a stupid and counterproductive administrative decision which resulted in one political appointee getting fired and everyone else saluting and carrying on. This doesn’t even rise to the level of missing frozen strawberries.

  • steve Link

    ““What is going on is an open mutiny in both the Army and the Navy.””

    When Obama or Clinton (dont really remember who and dont care) wanted to have gays serve openly there was some pushback, but no one claimed it was an open mutiny. This is something that we see only from Trump supporters. Otherwise normal criticisms are equated with a coup or mutiny. I think this goes back to my theory that Trump and his supporters are really a bunch of whiners unable to accept any criticism at all.


  • “Don’t ask, don’t tell” was the Clinton Administration’s official policy.

  • Andy Link

    Let’s not forget the Deep State working against President Obama’s desires in Afghanistan.

    The fact is elected politicians don’t like their preferences questioned. It’s been that way through at least the last four administrations.

  • Greyshambler Link

    Just because you’re paranoid, doesn’t mean they’re not out to get you.

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