Command Performance

I’ve posted a number of times on what I think will happen should the Democrats take control of the House in November.

Here’s a question I want to throw out to the floor. What will happen if Democrats fail to gain a majority in the House?

I think that the anger and, well, mania we’ve seen since Trump’s election and then Brett Kavanaugh’s appointment will be nothing in comparison with what will happen. Democrats will blame everything except the DNC.

5 comments… add one
  • Ben Wolf Link

    Another tax cut for top incomes. End of the CFPB. Increased burden on student debtors from regulation changes, possibly legislative.

  • Of Trump’s major campaign promises IIRC the only ones that are hanging fire are his wall and repealing the ACA. Are your predictions on the GOP’s radar?

  • Gustopher Link

    In this scenario, are more votes cast for Democrats or Republicans?

    If we have another minority-takes-all election, the polarization of America will undoubtedly get much worse. A lot of the Democratic base believes in, well, democracy. I wouldn’t be surprised if we started seeing left-wing terrorism. (Note to FBI: I have too much invested in the stock market to be a terrorist, and I find the sight of blood terrifying)

    A Podunkocracy (rule by people living in podunk towns, achieved by careful gerrymandering) is not a sustainable government, particularly in America where our country’s creation myth is that the government governs with the consent of the people (the reality has always been different, but the results have been close enough that people haven’t noticed for a century or so)

  • steve Link

    I kind of agree with Gustopher. If the Dems have the most votes for candidates running for Congress, especially by more than 5%, but still lose the House, I think there may be some acting out. I dont see terrorism, but think we will see a lot more legal challenges to GOP actions.


  • TarsTarkas Link

    If the Democrats have more aggregate votes than the Republicans but take neither House nor Senate, their violent ward wing will go nuts screaming ‘we are a democracy and we were cheated’. If the Republicans have more aggregate votes than the Democrats and keep the House and Senate the Democratic violent ward wing will go nuts screaming ‘we are a democracy and the Republicans cheated with the help of the Russians!’ If the Democrats win the House they will impeach everyone and everything in the Trump Administration down to the kitchen sink and their violent ward wing will go nuts when the Senate doesn’t convict them all and reverse every Trump administration law, order, and regulation. Conclusion: The Democratic violent ward wing is going to nuts after the mid-terms, because that is what they do, that is what they’re good at, and they don’t know anything else.

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