Coming attractions

There are quite a few posts I’m working on right now including:

  • Sensory experience and religious experience
  • How do you evaluate the reliability of a source?
  • Why I don’t care for four letter words in posts
  • The next installment of my “Critical success factors for terrorism” series

not to mention my (nearly) daily “Catching my eye” feature, a new recipe for this week’s Carnival of the Recipes, keeping the dogs fed, exercised, and healthy (plus our geriatic bunny, Tuck who seems to be dealing with the recent loss of his significant other quite nicely, thank you), making a living, maintaining a home, and eating and sleeping every now and again.

Also, my wife and I are taking turns reading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince to each other every night. So my dance card is pretty full.

Stay tuned!

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  • I’m waiting for “Sensory experience and religious experience.”

    Also interested in the four-letter-words issue. I use them very rarely, but I haven’t really thought about why. I use them a lot less anyway than I used to. After coauthoring a book called A Return to Innocence (Dear Patrick in paperback) with conservative (and amazingl innovative) neuropsychiatrist Jeff Schwartz, I thought a lot about the reality of pollution of the “ethosphere.” As I walked down the street in NYC, every other word I heard was “f–in’ this” and “f–in’ that,” and I began to hear the ugliness of it. I have now involuntarily advanced to the point where, in intense exasperation, I say, “Jesus friggin’ Christ” instead of the alternative. I sound like a bowdlerized movie on AMC. Well, I suppose that’s progress of a sort . . .

    Look forward to it.

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