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  • Icepick Link

    DC has just collected most of the smarter Willie Sutton-types. Federal spending accounts for about 20% of the GDP, correct? That money all has to be funneled through the House Ways & Means committee, both coming and going, along with a few other choke points. Most of those choke points are in DC. Thus an outbreak of Willie Sutton-itis.

    To the extent that those traits are heritable, we’ll expect an ever increasing amount of smart Willie Suttons to come from the DC crowd. You know, like the Kennedys & Bushs & Pelosis* etc.

    * Funny how few people seem to realize that her father was a corrupt Congressman, amongst other things.

  • I think you’re mistaken about why Ted Kennedy was in Washington. Another possibility is that his role was to ensure that a wealth tax stayed off the table.

  • Icepick Link

    It’s that the Kennedy’s gravitated to Washington in the first place. And preserving family wealth is just as good a reason as acquiring it in the first place.

    Teddy in particular loved the privileges it afforded, like the hooker sandwiches. The day Teddy died must have been awful for Chris Dodd and the pimps of DC.

  • steve Link

    And I was just warming up to the idea that all wealthy people truly merit their earnings. Must be a lot of innovation, risk taking and investing going on in these counties.


  • Icepick Link

    Innovative ways for entrepeneurs to invest in politicians that will pour government money into very risky schemes in which profits will be privatized and losses will be public.

  • Icepick Link

    And it seems that the more direct-minded Willie Sutton types are flocking to the DC area as well.

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