Choosing Victory

I’m going to restrict the three scenarios outlined by Philip Breedlove in Brendon Cole’s interview of him at Newsweek to just one:

“If the West chooses to give Ukraine what they need to win, Ukraine will win this war,” the four-star general said. “This war is going to end exactly how Western policymakers want and desire it to end.”

because that’s the only one that doesn’t result in outright victory for Russia. Let me translate it for you. Since neither the United States nor Germany nor France nor the United Kingdom nor all of us put together have sufficient inventories of what Ukraine needs to win or the basic industrial productive capacity to produce them, we must abandon green fantasies and start building up our productive capacity and making more munitions. That’s what “choosing” that alternative requires.

Since this is an election year, President Biden does not have the political capital, and, let’s be frank, he has shown few signs in his political career of being a sufficient “profile in courage” to abandon thoughts of re-election to promote rapid reindustrialization at the expense of support from the progressive wing of his own party, that appears very unlikely until 2025 at the earliest.

5 comments… add one
  • Andy Link

    I would just again say that how “winning” is defined matters. It is very unlikely, IMO, that either side can achieve its maximalist objectives regardless of the amount of material support given.

    Material support is not the only thing that wins wars. Just ask the Afghan National Army.

  • No argument from me on that. However, this post is a fair illustration of how my mind works. Assume Gen. Breedlove is right and that if we give Ukraine enough munitions, they can be victorious. Can we do that? I believe the answer is “no” at least for the foreseeable future.

    I think the real gating factor is the number of troops rather than the number of weapons and with each passing day Ukraine’s situation becomes worse.

  • Grey Shambler Link

    Putin’s recent to trip to remote Chukotka raised an eyebrow.
    Was he timing that?

  • bob sykes Link

    In the spring of 2022, Russia’s “maximalist” goals were the acquisition of Crimea and the enforcement of the Minsk accords. The initial invasion near Kiev was intended to force negotiations, and it worked. The Ukrainians and Russians initialed an agreement in Istanbul that did just that. Then the US and UK intervened to cancel the agreement, and the real war began.

    Russia’s new maximalist goals are demilitarization, denazification, and neutrality for Ukraine. In addition Russia’s leadership have hinted they intend to annex all the ethnic and historical Russian territory in Ukraine. That would be everything east of the Dnieper, Kiev, and Odessa and the Black Sea coast.

    All of that is doable, regardless of what the US and its allies do.

    By the way, Poland and Hungary have hinted that they want to recover their territories transferred to Ukraine after WW II by Stalin. Muy fun.

    If the Ukrainian war has done anything it is to reveal the stunning incompetence and dishonesty of the West’s military and political leadership. Flag officers like Keane, Breedlove, Hogan (UK), Petraeus, Milley, Austin and all too many others are incompetent, corrupt, and actually disloyal.

    The current ranking (PPP) of world economies is, (1) China, (2) India, (3) US, (4) Japan, (5) Russia, (6) Germany…

    The US is falling behind China and India, and the gap between them and us widens. Russia is rapidly gaining on Japan, and will pass it in a few years. Germany’s economy, like all of the EU and UK is collapsing due to Green madness and sanctions against Russia, including the idiocy of boycotting Russian gas.

    BRICS 10 had already replace the G7 as the dominant economic bloc, and it is still growing.

  • In the spring of 2022, Russia’s “maximalist” goals were the acquisition of Crimea and the enforcement of the Minsk accords.

    That’s not true. Putin announced the objectives of demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine on February 24, 2022–in the same speech as he announced the SMO.

    By the way, Poland and Hungary have hinted that they want to recover their territories transferred to Ukraine after WW II by Stalin.

    Don’t forget Romania. Romania and Ukraine have territorial disputes, too. It has been suggested (not by me) that the rump Ukraine would federate with Poland.

    BTW I think you’re misusing PPP and consequently drawing the wrong conclusions.

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