Chicago primary election: results

As I predicted on Monday the regular party candidates won their contests in the overwhelming preponderance of cases. The race for the Democratic nomination for Cook County Board President is still up in the air and, of course, whoever wins the Democratic nomination is likely to prevail in the general election. I doubt that many people even know the name of the Republican running for the job. I fully expect Stroger to pull it out at the end and for his name to appear on the ballot in the general election. In practice this will mean that the Board President will be appointed by party bosses.

The President of the Cook County Board is responsible for administering a budget larger than the national budgets of half of the countries in the world. Cook County is physically large—IIRC the county is roughly the same size as the state of Israel. You’d think the citizens of Cook County would take more interest.

The complete current results as of this writing are here, courtesy of the Associated Press.

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