Catching my eye: morning A through Z

Here are a few things that have caught my eye this morning:

  • Matthew Hogan of ‘Aqoul posts on the names of God.
  • In case I don’t get back to it and post about it at greater length I wanted to draw your attention to Brad DeLong’s post on the differing opinions about healthcare reform of the two sub-tribes of economists and why neither of their prescriptions will lead to lowering costs.
  • Dr. Sanity has an interesting post on the inseparability of support for the troops and support for their mission.
  • Gene Expression has a scientific inquiry of whether blondes are, in fact, sexier through an in-depth analysis of several hundred beauty contestants.  Science is hard.
  • Cronaca has a report on the discovery of what may be the oldest Semitic text found to date.
  • As the 60 day deadline approved by the UNSC for Iran to stop enriching uranium approaches, ThreatsWatch.Org notes that Iran is busily expelling IAEA inspectors who are convinced that the country is developing nuclear weapons.

That’s the lot.

3 comments… add one
  • Is there amy way to learn more about the picture Fog of War?

  • The picture was painted in 1818 by the German painter Caspar David Friedrich and is called Wanderer Above the Sea of Fog. It’s a self-portrait. Commentary here and here.

    Friedrich was a romantic painter and one of the foremost exponents of symbolic landscape painting.

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