Breakthroughs for 2019

I was prepared to disagree vehemently with this article at Visual Capitalist on Bill Gates’s predictions for technological breakthroughs in 2019 but was pleasantly surprised to find that I agree with all of them. Cruise over to the link to see the eye-catching infographic.

The article is ultimately derived from MIT Technology Review which has this numbered list:

  1. Robot dexterity—robot hands that can learn to manipulate unfamiliar objects on their own
  2. New-wave nuclear power—both fission and fusion reactor designs that could help bring down carbon emissions
  3. Predicting preemies—a simple blood test to warn of a preterm birth, potentially saving many children’s lives
  4. Gut probe in a pill—a swallowable device that can image the digestive tract and even perform biopsies
  5. Custom cancer vaccines—a treatment that uses the body’s own immune system to target only tumor cells
  6. The cow-free burger—both plant-based and lab-grown meat alternatives that could drastically cut emissions from the food industry
  7. Carbon dioxide catcher—techniques for absorbing CO2 from the air and locking it away that may finally become economic
  8. An ECG on your wrist—the ability for people with heart conditions to continuously monitor their health and get early warnings of problems
  9. Sanitation without sewers—a self-contained toilet that could tackle disease and unpleasant living conditions in much of the developing world
  10. Smooth-talking AI assistants—new advances in natural language processing that make digital assistants capable of greater autonomy

Note what’s conspicuous by their absence: extravagant predictions about artificial intelligence or breakthroughs in battery technology. AI is there but the predictions are modest and achievable.

I’m not as convinced that the benefits predicted from the breakthroughs will actually materialize. For example, I wonder if animal-free burgers will actually result in fewer carbon emissions than the real kind in my lifetime?

8 comments… add one
  • tarstarkas Link

    Most of these predictions were made long ago in various science fiction novels and stories, so they’re nothing new to me.

    Some comments:

    New-wave nuclear power: I once that we’d see sustainable fusion power in my lifetime. Now I hope that it will happen in my neice’s lifetimes (they’re in their twenties). Thorium reactors which cannot be used for nuclear weapons proliferation could be built RIGHT NOW and at a considerably lower construction and fueling cost than current ones (Thorium is more abundant by at least an order of magnitude than uranium).

    Carniculture was a stable of many SF stories, including the ones by H Beam Piper and Larry Niven. The problem is will the PETA crowd allow it, because I believe the meat growers still have to get the proper tissue from a living beast, and that’s cruel and unethical.

    CO2 catcher: Not only am I not convinced that AG is a significant source of W in the atmosphere, I’m very concerned that we may be head for a super Maunder Minimum. In which case sucking CO2 out of the atmosphere might make the next big freeze come both faster and last longer.

    Smooth talking AI assistants: With Amazon currently facing class action lawsuits over unauthorized recording of children’s voices and habits, I think that might be a hard sell to the public.

  • Jimbino Link

    The best innovation would be a capable female robot that could save us all from marriage and its complications like divorce, breeding, murder and sexual assault.

  • TastyBits Link

    I wish my wife had taken a picture of the robot stuck in the automatic door and the human holding the door open so neither broke the other one.

    The automatic door is a simple robot that re-opens when somebody is in the way. The delivery robot is supposed to stop when somebody is too close.

    When the AI robot can navigate through the doorway without getting stuck, give me a call.

  • Guarneri Link

    “CO2 catcher: Not only am I not convinced that AG is a significant source of W in the atmosphere, I’m very concerned that we may be head for a super Maunder Minimum. In which case sucking CO2 out of the atmosphere might make the next big freeze come both faster and last longer.”

    Hooray for sanity, tars. And not the politically driven drivel currently in vogue.

    Jimbino. Uh, that’s weird. Seriously?

  • steve Link

    Not too worried about a grand minimum. Dont think we are that close to cancer vaccines on any kind of scale.


  • CuriousOnlooker Link

    Has anyone tried the latest generation of non-meat patties?

    Do they taste like the real thing?

  • I’ve been looking around for them.

  • Gray Shambler Link

    I can’t find them either, but I’ve read they go for $10/patty, and the main ingredient is the yellow pea. A finicky plant that requires the perfect soil and temperature balance.
    Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been in slaughterhouses. I think the time will come for this, but like always, people get a little excited early.

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