Blue Fourth

This year the Fourth of July found me sad. The bonds of belief, commitment, and national pride that have connected the people of the United States, never the strongest, are fraying. It is being demanded that symbols of the country, like the flag of the American Revolution, George Washington, and Thomas Jefferson be removed or destroyed because they were not conceived without sin. It is not the demands that bother me but that they are being taken seriously enough to terminate products, destroy murals, and abolish holidays in their honor. I don’t think anything can survive that scrutiny. I wonder if we’re becoming little more than a currency exchange.

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  • Grey Shambler Link

    Public School curriculum. Diversity good, America bad. Oh, and diversity does exclude one culture.

  • bob sykes Link

    When Whites comprised 85% of the population, national politics was between Whites and addressed White concerns. Blacks were irrelevant. There were no Hispanics to speak of, except in some areas of the Southwest. And Jews were concentrated in a few cities.

    Now we are only 70% of the population, and in a generation we will be less than 50%. Meanwhile, Hispanics have become the largest minority, and growing. Jews control our financial institutions, news media, and entertainment companies. Blacks are no longer irrelevant, and they control many of our cities–their cities, actually.

    And Progressives have imposed identitarian politics upon us. What counts is your race, sex, and religion, if any. Groups are played off against one another. Politics is a zero sum game. There is no unity except within groups. America is merely a geographical concept.

    When American was 85% White, Whites could pretend there was an American nation. It was always false; now it is impossible. America is a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic empire, and the various groups have no loyalty to it, only to themselves. Such empires are held together by brute force: the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Soviet Union, Hussein’s Iraq… Once Whites are less than 50% of the population, we will get our own dictator, probably a totalitarian socialist like Mao or Stalin. It won’t be pretty.

    There are still enough older Whites around, like me, who remember when Whites thought America was their nation. Whatever unity the country has is through them. Younger Whites will eventually be forced to be White Nationalists, in order to defend their interests against black nationalists, Hispanic nationalists (La Raza), Jewish nationalist, even American Indian nationalists. There is no other future.

  • Bob:

    I think you (and black politicians) have miscalculated. While I don’t agree 100% with his scenario, IMO GS (from another post) is closer to the mark:

    With good nutrition those kids will grow tall and straight and mark the census form “White Hispanic”

    Most Asians, South Asians, and Middle Easterners will never make common cause with blacks and Hispanics who aren’t “white Hispanics”. IMO blacks will actually have less political influence as a result of immigration than they had prior to the start of mass immigration.

  • Grey Shambler Link

    “American Indian nationalists”
    Don’t worry about that one Bob Sykes, with the burden of alcoholism and drug addiction they carry, they won’t hurt anyone but themselves.

  • Grey Shambler Link

    And, Bob Sykes, to people from Mexico, like people everywhere, status is everything. There is no social advantage to being Indian there. The higher classes call themselves “Spanish”. What I meant is that as these kids grow and adopt western culture and stature, (height), they will actually become indistinguishable in attitude or appearance from most white American kids. And they share our values, Life, Liberty,. and the pursuit of $.

  • There is no social advantage to being Indian there.

    Quite the opposite. Mexico has a pretty strict class system, delineated by race. Spanish at the top, Indians at the bottom. Mestizos are in the middle.

    It’s actually somewhat shocking to see in real life. Spanish driving around in Mercedes. Beggars are Indians. Go into a shop and the clerk will be mestizo.

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