Best Suggestion

Try unplugging 2020, waiting ten seconds, and plugging it back in.

3 comments… add one
  • TarsTarkas Link

    I tried keeping it unplugged for an hour to give it more time to cool down. Still didn’t work.

    Don’t let things get you down or let politics consume you. This too shall pass. Hopefully with less violence now that the polls are showing rioting isn’t such a good look.

  • CuriousOnlooker Link

    Just for reference.

    The cultural revolution started in May 1966, its end is usually dated Oct 1976. Schools were shut for a couple of years, but post-secondary education was not fully restored until 1977.

    Indeed, the French revolution, from its start until the Thermidor reaction took 5 years (1789-1794). The Russian revolution until the NEP was 4 years (1918-1922).

    Like those revolutions, this will end when everyone is exhausted and disillusioned with change. And that is going to take years.

  • jan Link

    I’m not sure how this comment fits into this thread….but here it goes:

    The events of 2020 have certainly been disturbing and discouraging. Watching the full 4 days of the RNC Convention, however, served as an aspirin to relieve a growing headache of doom cascading down on me caused by months of riots (including where I live), lockdowns, business/school disruptions, instant brutality should one say a non PC utterance, such as, “all lives matter.”

    I have never watched any convention, RNC or DNC, from start to finish, and had no intention to do so this time either. However, it turned out to be different from the norm (like almost everything with Trump’s name attached), where the vignettes of stories were earnest, comprising life histories of overcoming enormous odds, achieving the impossible, and remaining extraordinarily humble and gracious through the process.

    It was uplifting and restorative to find some good human beings still inhabit the planet. A common thread, though, in their stories were sharing acts of kindness and the caring of a leader who listens and actually spends the time to help. Whether it’s the bit about Trump visiting Walter Reed almost every weekend; writing letters to families of those killed or held captive; giving long term funding to black colleges; giving a second chance of starting life again through the 1st Step Act, or the chance to fight for their life via The Right To Try legislation; being attentive to the working guy’s job (mining, fishing, dairy farming, manufacturing), genuinely representing the middle class, working people’s needs, while shunning those indulging in lives of self importance, I identified with such a grouping, and my opinion of the current President was elevated.

    It was followed today by two anecdotal discussions showing a positive response was emanating from this convention, similar to mine. A Northern CA girlfriend called asking if I had seen the convention, and what did I think about it. Before I could answer, she adamantly said “Trump just has to win.” This afternoon, a hard working Cambodian window installer, after he had finished a project for us, spent an hour talking about how he and everyone he works for says the same thing – “Trump has to win.” Normally, these are the very people keeping political opinions to themselves, in lieu of the flak and verbal assaults others have received for doing so. Today, after this convention, I’m seeing people coming out of the woodwork and being very vehement about their opinion. I think an urgency is building that is truly concerned about a Biden Presidency.

    It has been a real turnaround……

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