Being on the Receiving End Isn’t Fun

There’s been quite a brouhaha here about the, shall we say, conversation going on between our outgoing Mayor Lori Lightfoot and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott. Texas continues to send busloads of illegal immigrants asylum seekers to Chicago. The editors of the Wall Street Journal react:

Posturing as a “sanctuary city” used to be fun when it meant resisting Donald Trump, but now the migrant crisis is everywhere. “We simply have no more shelters, spaces, or resources,” Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot says in a letter Sunday to Texas Gov. Greg Abbott. “Though I am sympathetic to the significant challenges that border cities face, this situation is completely untenable.”

And the scales fall. Since last summer, when Mr. Abbott began sending busloads of migrants Chicago way, “we have shouldered the responsibility of caring for more than 8,000 men, women, and children with no resources of their own,” Ms. Lightfoot says. That’s nothing next to El Paso, which this week declared a state of emergency, as it braces for the end of Title 42 pandemic expulsions. The El Paso Times cites estimates of about “10,000 to 12,000 migrants in Juárez,” waiting to cross into the U.S.

Chicago has heard that Texas will resume migrant busing on May 1. “The national immigration problem,” Ms. Lightfoot says, “will not be solved by passing on the responsibility to other cities.” But the burden of this humanitarian crisis shouldn’t fall only on border states, and the virtue of Mr. Abbott’s approach is in making progressives confront it.

The website for Ms. Lightfoot’s (failed) re-election campaign brags that she ended “police collaboration” with Immigration and Customs Enforcement, “terminated ICE access to citywide databases,” and signed an executive order so city benefits don’t depend on citizenship. America’s immigration problems won’t be fixed until Ms. Lightfoot’s Democratic Party awakens from this progressive daydream.

I think there are a lot of wrongs going on here. It’s wrong for Mexico to use the U. S. as a safety valve; it’s wrong for Mexican and Central American nationals to pretend to be asylum seekers in the hopes of being admitted to work at menial jobs that pay a lot more here than in their home countries; it’s wrong for President Biden to allow our southern border to lapse into its present disarray; it’s wrong for Gov. Abbott to send busloads of new arrivals to Chicago; it’s wrong for Mayor Lightfoot to complain about it while urging it on.

I think the United States should have a controlled migration system rather than our present uncontrolled one. I also think that an unending supply of non-English speakers who can only take low wage jobs distorts the U. S. economy in ways that are not healthy. Mayor Lightfoot is only just now realizing that we can’t afford it. We haven’t been able to afford it for a long while.

6 comments… add one
  • jan Link

    Once Article 42 is gone (May 11th), the influx of illegal border crossings, from all over the world, will exponentially increase. People living near the border will probably feel the crush of thousands first. But, eventually these foreign strangers will drift all over the country, putting extra burdens on schools, hospitals and the welfare system.

    IMO, the onus falls primarily on the Biden Administrations policies, especially on DHS Secretary Mayorkas, who has been key in outright lying about conditions at the border. Because of the government’s deliberate malfeasance, governors sending illegals to specific sanctuary cities seems more a reaction of exasperation over the unapologetic, calloused actions of the federal government, allowing so much unregulated chaos to exist on the borders of their states.

    Finally, the hypocrisy being played out, regarding our unregulated borders, the complicity of progressive policies in sanctuary cities, followed by local politicians wailing about how transported illegals are creating fiscal problems for them, is amusing and galling at the same time.

  • Andy Link

    The irony is that most of those people would end up in Chicago anyway. Abbott is providing transportation for where people already want to go. These asylum seekers do not want to sit and rot in border towns living under bridges. They will leave and get to where they want one way or another, and most of them want to go to major cities, like Chicago, where they have connections and family, or places where they think they can find work.

    As I’ve been advocating for a long time, I think the bussing program in Texas and other states should be federalized. If we’re going to accept these people into the US to await court dates many years from now, it makes sense to provide them with transportation options.

    But you are right about the hypocrisy, and NIMBY still rules the day.

  • bob sykes Link

    The problem is that are many people in this country who are profiting from the migrants, not just the coyotes. A good part of the flow is the international human trafficking trade, both in slaves and prostitutes. Every “unaccompanied child” has a handler controlling him, and likely has been sold to a pedophile.

    The amount of money involved must be enormous, because costs are. Coyotes recruit and accept people from all over the world. They link up in Central and South American, and the migrants are then transported by bus, truck or boat all the way across Central America and Mexico some distance into the US. This is a trip of a couple thousand miles, and the migrants must be fed and housed en route until they are handed off to their buyers.

    Just imagine the scale of this enterprise. In recent years there have some 2 million migrants per year. If one person is worth $10,000, that amounts to $20 billion per year. Now we’re talking real money as that old time Illinois Senator said.

    The same networks are moving large amounts of drugs and weapons, too. What is the total, $100 billion per year? This is a really big business. A very large number of very powerful, high ranking people are involved, both in this country and abroad. A black market this big and this connected is too big to suppress or control. Busing a few thousand migrants from El Paso to Chicago is just low comedy, slap stick.

    Another addition to the list of Jeffry Epstein’s clients just dropped, this one including the CIA Director. Rumors that Epstein’s pedophile business was a Mossad front seem likely to be true. Pizzagate must also be true, at least in outline, if not in every detail.

  • Jan Link

    There is continual news coverage, via alternative, independent news media, on the ongoing stream of migrants brought to the border by the welcoming policies of Biden/Mayorkas. It’s like watching a madness happening in real time. Biden is now reported as sending 1500 troops to the border, not to stop this flood of humanity, but to facilitate their crossing and processing because of the masses lining up to take advantage of such lenient open border surveillance. For the most part, legacy media is turning eyes away from showing any footage of this unprecedented invasion, keeping people in the dark about the reality of the unobstructed mass migration going on all around them.

  • Grey Shambler Link

    People who want something from you are adept at playing the victim, unseen is what the victims will present in 5-10 years when they are the majority and wrest control of street crime from Chicago Blacks.
    Chicago for Chicanos!
    Lightfoot’s legacy.

  • Grey Shambler Link

    Like drugs, pedophilia is a pleasure some cultures embrace on the down low.
    I’ve seen documentaries from the Houston area, neither the victims nor the customers were Caucasian.
    Latin Americans, like the Afghans,
    don’t consider it a big deal.
    We should be much more selective who we allow to pollute our culture.

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