My, people are angry today. So far, as a result of comments I’ve left on a variety of posts on other blogs in which I invariably have presented a very temperate opinion, I’ve been called a liar, delusional, and a warmonger. I find the last particularly odd since I’ve opposed every use of force by the U. S. since 1976. In my comments I’ve noted that war is a bad thing and we shouldn’t do it, that invading or bombing Iran would be a bad idea (and that I don’t think the Bush Administration will do either), that we should allow criminal prosecutions to take their course while maintaining the presumption of innocence, that world government is, in theory, a good thing but a bad thing in practice because of the lack of sufficient consensus on issues of basic values, that, however pure and benign their motives on assuming office, elected officials tend to conflate their own welfare and the public good, that feminism still hans’t accomplished all of its legitimate goals (although the feminist movement is pretty sorry), and that there’s little reason to believe complete U. S. military withdrawal from the Middle East would bring peace to that troubled region.
I’m chagrinned that, so far today, I haven’t been accused of being both a right wing nut and a socialist bleeding heart for the same comment. The day’s still young, I suppose.
Dave, it’s obvious you are nothing but a fascist, goose-stepping, commie pinko, pot smoking, free-love loon. Does that cover all the bases?
If it’s any consolation, I get exactly the same treatment where the mere temerity to question an absolutist position in any way automatically means that I MUST support the contrarian, but equally absolutist position.
I get called a surrender monkey and warmonger all on the same day for saying the same thing to different audiences. It’s sad and frustrating, but sadly there seems to be little I can do about it.
Ditto what Andy said.
Ditto on the ditto
Ditto what Andy said.
Ditto, a thousand times over, and a few thousands times more!
I’ve been called both a neo-con and a Kos-kid, while also being told I’ve imbibed my fair share of Kool-aid, though apparently from two very different pitchers with two very different flavors.