As She Is Spoke

Do you think that critical race theory should be taught to elementary school students in the public schools? Are state legislatures right or wrong to ban it?


The title of this post is derived from the all-time greatest English language instruction book in the history of such book: English As She Is Spoke, written IIRC by a native speaker of Portuguese with little knowledge of English and without even an English-Portuguese dictionary. He did have, however, a Portuguese-French dictionary and an English-French dictionary which he used in his instruction book by dragging definitions first from Portuguese into French and then from French into English. My point is that calling something “critical race theory” does not necessarily mean that is what is being taught.

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  • Drew Link

    No. Because it is intellectually dishonest and therefore not appropriate for younger students. At a certain age, one becomes better able to think critically and make choices. In, say, college, teach that 2+2=5 if you like. But make those electives. Those foolish enough to sign up for the class, and believe it do so at their own peril.

    Should a balanced view be taught at younger ages? Yes. But now we are into the subject of recent posts and comments: what is the definition of that, and are teachers or administrators capable of stewarding it. Right now, incompetence, bias and outright dishonesty rule the halls. But that’s for parents and voters to rectify.

  • I’m actually concerned that the form that “rectification” will take will be to undermine the public school systems. Right now we’re spending just about the same amount on K-12 education that we are on the Social Security system. K-12 education spending is rising a lot faster and is not supported by a trust fund.

    That will mostly hurt the poor, blacks, and Hispanics.

  • Drew Link

    Are you really? We all know the expenditure per pupil stats. Catholic schools? Public schools. Charter and public. Private and public.

    The public schools are larded up, and not doing their job. Anyone surprised?

    What would be wrong with imposing financial discipline on the public school system?

  • Grey Shambler Link

    Schemers who teach children to be ashamed of themselves, their families, their race, are likely to be diverting attention from their own failure to educate children of minority races. Shifting the blame to society at large.
    They should be completely purged from any school taking public monies.

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