American Hypocrisy

In an article at The American Conservative titled “Gina Haspel: As If Nuremberg Never Happened”, Peter Van Buren whinges:

Nothing will say more about who we are, across three American administrations—one that demanded torture, one that covered it up, and one that seeks to promote its bloody participants—than whether Gina Haspel becomes director of the CIA.

Haspel oversaw the torture of human beings in Thailand as the chief of a CIA black site in 2002. Since then, she’s worked her way up to deputy director at the CIA. With current director Mike Pompeo slated to move to Foggy Bottom, President Donald Trump has proposed Haspel as the Agency’s new head.

The decisions of the Nuremberg trials were victor’s justice as many, especially the Germans, complained at the time. U. S. law has never accepted their findings.

My own views, repeated many times here, is that the U. S. should not torture and should prosecute it when revealed. We should also not enter into treaties to which we do not intend to adhere. It is completely unsurprising that nobody, whether friend, enemy, or frenemy, believes us.

5 comments… add one
  • TastyBits Link

    China places onerous restrictions on these companies, and they have survived.

    I the French want a French search provider, what is the problem? If Google wants to do business in France, they should invest in a French search company.

    I guess I am supposed to believe that some search provider in Iowa is going to be hurt. Oh wait, Goggle gobbled them up a long time ago.

  • TastyBits Link

    wrong thread

  • steve Link

    One of the things Obama did wrong. Should have prosecuted some people for torture. Yes, it would have been viewed as partisan, but it needed to be done.


  • Gray Shambler Link

    Yeah, if the things I’ve read about American’s torturing terrorism suspects are true, it’s wrong, very wrong. So much of this occurred in the heated aftermath of 9/11, and we’ll never know the truth.
    Which sucks, because we have no way to separate accusation from truth, and for those tortured in secret sites, try to imagine yourself there.
    How was your morning? I hope you slept well, how do you like your coffee?
    Not for these men, and we can’t know why.

  • bob sykes Link

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