A Poor Choice of Words

In his most recent column E. J. Dionne writes of the upcoming run-off election for Chicago mayor between incumbent Rahm Emanuel and Chuy Garcia:

The mayor is proud to tout his work expanding access to pre-kindergarten programs, raising the minimum wage and making two years of community college available to everybody. He talks admiringly about his city’s ethnic diversity and stresses his commitment to making it a place where “every resident in every neighborhood has a fair shot at success.”

The quote at the end of that paragraph is from Mayor Emanuel’s re-election ads. I think it makes an interesting juxtaposition with a story from today’s Tribune, a story much like others you’ll see on any given day:

At least three men were killed while two other men and a teen boy were wounded in attacks in the Roseland, West Garfield Park and East Garfield Park neighborhoods Wednesday, authorities said.

In the Roseland neighborhood, a 58-year-old man was pronounced dead after being shot in the 11400 block of South Prairie Avenue at 7:20 p.m., said Chicago police spokesman Officer Veejay Zala.

The man was on the sidewalk when witnesses reported hearing gunshots and later found the man with a gunshot wound to the head, Zala said. The man was pronounced dead at the scene, officials said.

Emanuel’s Chicago is failing in the most basic responsibility of a city, ensuring that its residents aren’t afraid that they’ll be gunned down on the street outside their homes. Under the circumstances wanting to give Chicagoans a “fair shot” is probably a poor choice of words. Garcia, who ran his campaign partially on a law and order platform, has clearly latched onto that. Additionally, dubbing Emanuel “Mayor 1%” emphasizes Emanuel’s cozy relationship with wealthy donors.

It will be an interesting run-off campaign.

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  • Modulo Myself Link

    Chicago needs a few more black sites to disappear suspects in. One is definitely not enough.

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