Words To Ponder

I think that this passage in Holman Jenkins’s latest Wall Street Journal column are worthy of consideration:

So we return to a signature astonishment of our age. After almost four years in office, Mr. Trump has not managed to damage his own reputation (as any libel lawyer will tell you, he had no reputation to damage). He has done less damage to his office than you might think for the simple and obvious reason that people distinguish Mr. Trump from his office.

Seemingly effortlessly, though, he has incited people and institutions that do have something to lose to wreck their own reputations: The FBI, CNN, our universities, etc.

Tens of millions of voters who plan to vote against Mr. Trump in the fall hardly need Post lies to give them more reason to do so. But millions of others will vote for Mr. Trump, or consider voting for him, exactly because the Washington Post lies about him. Their wavering support at this point in his ill-starred presidency is sustained only by the deranged dishonesty of his opponents.

Anyone who does not recognize that Donald Trump is a schmuck is, in the immortal words of Harold Hill, merely closing your eyes to a situation that you do not wish to acknowledge. However, the last five years have revealed beyond reasonable doubt that the editors of the NYT, WaPo, and CNN, many pundits, as well as practically all politicians are schmucks, too.

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  • Guarneri Link

    “Anyone who does not recognize that Donald Trump is a schmuck is……….merely closing your eyes to a situation that you do not wish to acknowledge………..the last five years have revealed beyond reasonable doubt that the editors of the NYT, WaPo, and CNN, many pundits, as well as practically all politicians are schmucks, too.”

    Indeed. But that observation stops short. Trump is a dick, but his policies are no worse than any president you can name in my lifetime. And now, with the Flynn matter in full view, I have no doubt we will fully learn that all the pols, pundits and agencies are schmucks, but some are more, criminals, specifically Obama, Biden, Rice, Clapper, Comey and Brennan, plus some foreigners. Durham will be heard. The only issue is whether media – the mother of all schmucks – will get it out, and whether people will listen, or are they schmucks as well.

  • Grey Shambler Link

    “are they schmucks as well”
    Yes they are. Enough voted to roll back the encroaching State, but Trump rocks the boat. And Obama has such a nice smile, Elect Biden and you know you’ll see and hear His eminence once again.
    “What’s your favorite color again, … Barrack?”

  • steve Link

    I notice you leave out the WSJ, Fox and the entirety of talk radio. Guess they are all straight shooters.

    So Drew, how many Flynn related investigations do we get? I am thinking even the Republicans got tired of doing Behghazi. I am thinking 3 or 4. Maybe we can start a pool?


  • TarsTarkas Link

    Everyone has agendas and attitudes. Some are less tolerable than others. OMB is an a**hole, I cannot forget how he screwed numerous contractors in the 1980’s (some of whom were customers at the time), and I have big problems with many of his policies, notably the continued support for turning food into fuel. But unlike his past opponents he isn’t a crook fleecing the taxpayer (if he and his family and cronies had been, you know damned well they’d have impeached him for it and likely pushed him out of office, and good riddance), nor is he cognitively-impaired or pushing destructive and/or confiscatory tyrannical policies like his political foes are for. And that’s why I have to vote for the jerk again, because the alternative is worse.

    Tammy Duckworth’s take on the Mt. Rushmore speech is typical of the lying schmucky behavior of OMB’s enemies, accusing him of supporting Confederate ‘heroes’ in his oration. A g*ddamned lie. Not one was mentioned in his speech, and his list of statuary to be protected doesn’t include one Southern rebel.

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