Will Census Falsification Be the Next Scandal?

I usually don’t check out links at the New York Post. Call it a prejudice. However, this story on census workers blowing the whistle on falsification of census data caught my eye and I’m glad I clicked over:

The city known as America’s story factory is making up Census data.

In the latest allegation of The Post’s exclusive probe into fishy goings-on at the Census Bureau, a new whistleblower says workers in the Los Angeles region have been manipulating economic data.

Contact information for the veteran Census worker — who reached out to me by e-mail recently and whom I interviewed by phone — has been turned over to congressional investigators who are looking into data falsification in other parts of the country.

“Everybody knows falsification is going on,” the whistleblower told me, adding the malfeasance in the LA region is so obvious that it’s hard to miss.

Will this become the next scandal du jour? The next scandal to receive attention from House oversight committees? Added to the dreary list that includes Benghazi, Fast and Furious, the IRS’s persecution of Tea Party-aligned (and Israel-aligned) groups?

Frankly, I doubt it. I don’t think it has legs. It’s just not sexy enough and it would be hard to establish White House fingerprints on it.

It deserves more attention. There are billions of dollars involved. Not to mention how it affects the drawing of Congressional districts.

13 comments… add one
  • Yeah, I’m sure nothing about this, which was of benefit primarily to the President in 2012 and Democrats more generally, has any connection to the White House. Just like I’m sure that the federal government only stores email on the hard drives of individual employees computers, and that they’re very VERY sorry that only those hard drives being subpoenaed by investigators have crashed and been destroyed.

    I’m also certain that those voting machines in Illinois that are registering votes for Republicans as votes for Democrats are simply mid-calibrated.

  • PD Shaw Link

    Illinois is ahead of the curve on autonomous voting.

  • ... Link

    Autonomous voting must be a great time saver on election day.

  • steve Link

    Not sure how it benefitted Obama. Sounds close to conspiracy theory actually.


  • mike shupp Link

    What’s the charge here? Miscounting the number of citizens? Or fudging statistics on average incomes and the like? — which is what “economic data” sounds like to me. Or making up economic data to support a superior’s idea of the figures when establishing ground truth is difficult? — which is probably even likelier.

    I doubt this turns into much of a scandal, and I’d be much surprised if anyone makes it an election day issue. I mean … Los Angeles? If you wanted to accidentally-on-purpose come up with wrong numbers of previously overlooked Democratic voters, would you go to LA or Topeka to perform your naughtiness?

  • ... Link

    steve, if they’re cheating on the monthly employment reports to make the employment situation look better than it is, that is likely to help Obama, yes?

    But it doesn’t matter. We’ve got more Ebola, now in NYC, from a doctor that told people he was self-quarantining but was instead out bowling. Fucking bowling. What is it with you jack ass medicos lying and ignoring the instructions you want everyone else to follow? First the NBC doctor, then the nurse flying commercial, now this. Medico arrogance knows no bounds. I can’t wait until we find out how the doctors are going to fuck this up in NYC. This’ll be fun.

  • ... Link

    Drew, I’ve got a new business idea for you.

    HazMat Airlines!

    Everyone gets free level B or C HazMat gear, depending on what they’re willing to pay. Every plane gets hosed down with pure chlorine bleach after every flight. Frequent flyers get free upgrades to Level A HazMat gear with every 15,000 miles flown!

  • This’ll be fun.

    The part that will be the most fun will be watching everyone who’s been whining about Americans being panicked about Ebola tie themselves into knots as every elected Democratic official in the country slowly ratchets up the precautions that are being enforced. The question is when what had been called panic suddenly becomes characterized as prudent stewardship. Sort of a phase change.

  • HazMat Airlines!

    Just a re-branding of United. Have you ever tried eating their food?

  • ... Link

    Sort of a phase change.

    First statistics and sociology, then biology and medicine, and now chemistry! Fun!

    Have you ever tried eating their food?

    I was thinking more “Fly the antiseptic skies!”

  • Guarneri Link

    I’ll get right on it, ice. What could go wrong?

  • Was it Branson that said if you want to be a millionaire, start out as a billionaire and buy an airline?

  • steve Link

    “steve, if they’re cheating on the monthly employment reports to make the employment situation look better than it is, that is likely to help Obama, yes?”

    He makes vague allegations about missing computers. Meh. The news about the census is not new. This is recycling old stuff and he throws in that extra to promote the conspiracy. When the allegations about the UE rate were made it was noted that we have the same kinds of numbers every year at the same time. he numbers are also confirmed by non-gov sources.


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