The Yellow Vests

In France demonstrators came out for the gilets jaunes demonstrations for the fifth consecutive week. Per France 24 half as many demonstrators showed up this week as last in Paris:

housands of protesters are back out on the streets of Paris and other French cities, towns and villages, braving freezing cold temperatures and defying calls to hold off after a gun attack in Strasbourg earlier this week.

France’s interior ministry said the number of protesters across the country was estimated at 33,500 at midday, around half the level of a week ago. Police in Paris said fewer than 3,000 had gathered in the capital for the fifth consecutive Saturday of demonstrations, which have so far been peaceful.

but they do seem to be spreading. In addition to Paris there have been demonstrations in Nantes, Brest, and Marseilles, among other cities, as well as in Belgium, Netherlands, Sweden, and Britain.

At least in France the demonstrations seem to have a nationalist cast. For example, women are dressing as Marianne, symbol of the Republic.

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  • Ben Wolf Link

    Some are probably libertaires. The goddess is one of those things that can be nationalist or non-nationalist depending on who invokes her.

  • bob sykes Link

    More importantly, 10 retired French generals have publicly accused Macron of treason. Now it gets serious.

  • I found little in French language sources (other than far right blogs) about the letter. Here’s Le Monde’s article on Le Pacte de Marrakech. As far as I can see the agreement is mostly about information-sharing and the rights of migrants on arrival. See especially this paragraph:

    « brader la souveraineté française » : plusieurs sites et publications s’alarment sur le risque de « vendre la France à l’ONU ». Ils opèrent un amalgame entre deux actualités : le pacte des migrations, sous l’égide de l’ONU, et une suggestion, formulée par le vice-chancelier allemand fin novembre, consistant à transférer à l’Union européenne le droit de veto français au Conseil de sécurité. Mais cette dernière idée n’a rien d’officiel et ne risque pas de voir le jour. Et, à aucun moment, la souveraineté des pays n’est remise en question par le pacte des migrations.

    If you don’t read French, in short that says that claims that the agreement is selling out France to the UN are BS—proposals that have been floated about overriding national objections didn’t make it into the final agreement.

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