The Pressure Is Building

Here are the results of a recent Washington Post/ABC News poll:

Two-thirds of Americans feel they have little or no influence over the actions of the federal government. Forty-five percent say the country’s greatness is ebbing. As many see voter fraud as commonplace. A third aren’t confident that votes in the presidential election will be counted fairly. And a third say people like them are treated unfairly in this country.

The results of this poll, produced for ABC by Langer Research Associates, mark the extent to which underlying views of the state of the nation interact with political preferences. In some ways, a pessimists vs. optimists election.

You may disagree with the people who do not see things optimistically. You may think that they’re wrong or misinformed. Think of them as deplorable at your peril.

When pressure builds within an enclosure one of two things can happen. The pressure can be released gradually and safely or you can let the pressure build until the whole blamed thing explodes.

There are lots of reasons that the pressure is building, some benign, some less so. We are in the longest war in U. S. history, it shows few signs of ending, and we appear to have accomplished little by it. A generation of Americans has grown up with bleaker economic prospects than their parents had. There have been dramatic shifts in mores and culture, the most pronounced since the social upheaval of the 1960s. A majority of Americans feel like strangers in their own country.

6 comments… add one
  • CuriousOnlooker Link

    Long time reader. Off topic, but your observation ( was prescient. October isn’t here but the polls have it too close to call and those elites are panicking.

  • PD Shaw Link

    It could be that most Americans are pissed off that Rahm is their mayor, or alternatively, most Americans incorrectly feel Rahm is their mayor. Really nothing to see here.

  • ... Link

    LOL @PD’s comment!

    As to that third that feel treated unfairly, the Democratic coalition consists primarily of people that feel they’re treated unfairly – 90+% of blacks, 6-70% of Hispanic voters, women voters, etc. It’s surprising that number isn’t higher.

    And until we can get organized and get proper candidates, remember to write in Pepe/Harambe for the National Razor Party this November.

  • G. Shambler Link

    If Huma Weiner is President Clinton’s chief of staff in her first term, will she be Mayor Weiner of Chicago in the second?
    Is this not an inherited office?

  • If things continue as they have, Mayor Emanuel will be lucky to live to see the end of his second term. Or Chicago, one of the two.

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