The Human Comedy

I am human and as a human being I have biases. I try my level best to recognize them and I try to be as objective as I can in viewing events.

Recently, I was accused of having implicit biases (everyone has them) but I believe that what the critic was seeing was his or her own biases which I challenged with my evidence-based conclusions. Just because you come in in the middle of a conversation, don’t assume you know its entire context.

Unlike most people I can be convinced with logic and evidence. I am highly resistant, however, to being browbeaten.


I have been tested as being in the 99th percentile for introception. That means the personality trait that predisposes one to understanding the needs, motives, and experiences both of him or herself and others. In other words, I’m more likely to recognize my own biases than just about anyone you’ve ever met. I also test very high for nurturance (offering care and concern to others) and very low for succorance (seeking care).

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