The German “Far Right”

Normally, I wouldn’t have mentioned the aborted coup attempt in Germany but, since it touches on one of my pet peeves, I thought I’d mention that angle. I sincerely wish that Americans wouldn’t project their own politics and political differences onto the politics of other countries about which they generally know next to nothing. “Right” and “Left” mean different things in different countries and just because you consider yourself left-leaning doesn’t mean that a left-leaning party in another country holds your ideological brethren.

To take the simplest, most proximate example, American conservatives have practically nothing in common with British Tories and only the most extreme American progressives would find their views aligned with those of British Labour. Most similarities are superficial and, I presume to both of their horrors, more Democrats are like Tories than Republicans are.

The coverage of the German coup attempt has been very clear. In much of Europe “extreme right-wing” means royalist and that is what this coup attempt was. Some extremists wanted to install a distant inheritant of the German throne as head of state.

In the United States, although there has been some growth in would-be monarchists over the last dozen years, “extreme right-wing” tends to be radical libertarianism. The only point of contact between the extreme right in Germany and that here is that both tend to be nationalist but it should go without saying that German nationalism and American nationalism are incompatible. We’ve participated in two major wars to oppose German nationalism. Now is no time to think that it’s a good thing.

My recommendation is for American to focus on U. S. politics and avoid meddling in the internal politics of other countries. Leave commenting on the internal politics of other countries to those with more expertise. We barely understand our own society and politics.

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  • steve Link

    Assume you have read Yarvin?


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