
Imagine my surprise last evening when I went to use my trusty food processor and it made a horrible noise. I tried again. Same noise. I examined it closely and found that the shaft on the chopping blade was cracked. The noise was the motor shaft rotating within the shaft of the chopping blade. And after only 35 years of use!

I don’t use the food processor as often as I used to—I don’t cook for a crowd nearly as frequently as once I did and that’s when it really comes in handy. Maybe once a month. I suspect that the last time it was used was on Thanksgiving.

My food processor is an early Cuisinart. Not one of the original models but shortly thereafter—back when they were still offering a lifetime warranty on the motor. I’ve got the certificate filed away.

Have no fear! A few minutes of quick googling identified any number of places that sell the replacement part. After market, I suspect, but I believe that’s good enough for my purposes.

Nothing is ever obsolete so long as it still performs the function for which it was intended in a satisfactory manner and it’s cheaper to repair than to replace.

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