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It is not my practice to comment on the goings-on in other states except under rare circumstances. I have no intention of commenting at length on the charges that have emerged about New York’s governor. He has apparently lost the support of the Democratic Party leadership. Joe Gandelman has his typically excellent round-up.

The party leadership had best hope that this matter does not grow into a protracted struggle. The last thing they need is for this to continue to hang over their heads when the mid-terms roll around in 15 months. It’s not just an embarrassment for the party. There are many, many media outlets that were lionizing him 15 months ago for whom he is now an embarrassment.

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  • steve Link

    I think he should go but there is precedent for just riding it out.


  • Grey Shambler Link

    Good man. Loved his constituency a little bit too much.
    I would like to see him stay in office until the next election. Mob rule doesn’t need any more precedent.

  • Drew Link

    We are a New York firm. I’ve been through the mandatory sexual harassment tutorial and we post the mandatory placards on the wall.

    I’ve read that actual evidence may be thin; and that the AG may have political rather than strict legal motivations. (Welcome to the party, Dems.) I don’t know.

    That said, knowing the prevailing standards in NY, he’s basically being hoisted on his own petard.

    Yes, call it schadenfreude.

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