For Want of a Nail

For want of a nail the shoe was lost,
for want of a shoe the horse was lost,
for want of a horse the knight was lost,
for want of a knight the battle was lost,
for want of a battle the kingdom was lost.
So a kingdom was lost—all for want of a nail.

That observation in various forms goes back roughly a millennium at least. Seemingly insignificant things may have grave consequences.

I’m of mixed minds about the “authoritarian” use of force against rioters tearing down barricades and setting fires, including setting fire to a federal courts building, in Portland. I’m very outraged that the federal government, apparently, has scores of special incident law enforcement units. I don’t think it should have any. Law enforcement including the enforcement of federal law is up to state and local governments. But that, apparently, is no longer how our system works and it hasn’t worked that way since before I was born.

I’m very outraged that state and local officials refuse to enforce federal law. That will inevitably lead to many other outrages. I’m very outraged the state and local officials are not exercising their most basic responsibility of protecting public and private property and lives.

I’m very outraged at mass demonstrations since I believe they’re inherently authoritarian. The demonstrators should be organizing politically. That is how things are done in a representative democracy governed by laws. And before you bring up the Boston Tea Party that was against an authoritarian government not against a representative liberal democratic one. The demonstrators in the pre-civil rights South had no other alternative—they were being denied their voting rights. When you take to the streets, destroying property and generally imposing your will on other people, in opposition to a representative liberal democratic government, how can it be other than authoritarian?

I’m very outraged that as many of the demonstrators are prepared to fight and setting fires, setting off fireworks illegal under Oregon law, throwing bottles, tearing down barricades, and injuring law enforcement officers by shining lasers into their eyes. Does anyone really doubt the federal courts building in Portland would be destroyed without protection? And then when destroyed there would be complaints that the lack of availability of a federal courts building placed an undue burden on the poor?

I’m outraged that people are claiming that there’s no way of identifying the federal law enforcement officers in Portland when there clearly is—identifying numbers. Chicago police officers don’t wear their names on their uniforms, either.

I’m outraged that people are more concerned about the putative rights of people engaging in unlawful demonstrations while ignoring the rights of ordinary law-abiding citizens. I’m outraged that people are willing to let those law-abiding citizens who, literally, have no recourse, “stew in their own juices”.

So you can see my conundrum. There are so very many things about which to be outraged.

6 comments… add one
  • CuriousOnlooker Link

    There have been Federal laws that a significant portions of the country through was unjust and refused to enforce. From those examples, passive resistance (non co-operation or lawsuits) by the States is constitutional. The corollary from that is the necessity for Federal Government to have its own law enforcement.

    On the other hand; active resistance is tantamount to nullification. For example, threatening to arrest Federal law enforcement officers via State law who are following a legal command from the Federal government to protect Federal property.

    The biggest problem is the means of the protest. The mayor of Portland, the Governor of Oregon, and other Democratic office-holders should think through the difference between burning the flag vs burning a Federal courthouse. If they did — I think they would understand why the protests need to stop ASAP before a mistake happens and the courthouse does burn down.

  • The corollary from that is the necessity for Federal Government to have its own law enforcement.

    That’s my point.

  • Guarneri Link

    Well, curious beat me to it. I think that’s right.

  • bob sykes Link

    What’s going on now is not mere nullification, that was the last three years. Today we have an actual insurrection led, instigated, and financed by Democrat governors and mayors and the DNC. These people are not progressives, they are doctrinaire maoists. They believe they have majority support for the actual violent overthrow of our Constitutional system, the Weathermen redux. They are for now a small minority, but passionate minorities can cow and oppress passive majorities.

    The interesting (and frightening) aspect of the riots is that they are majority white and privileged. Many of them are white women. They apparently consist of Turchin’s surplus elites struggling with other elites for power. God help us.

    It Biden is elected, the struggle among the elites will go nationwide, and it will become ever more violent. But whoever wins will be a doctrinaire maoist: the fight is not over ideology, it is fight for personal power.

    If Russia and China just sit quietly by, we will destroy ourselves, and they will inherit the earth.

  • TarsTarkas Link

    The blunt fact is these Democratic Party leaders don’t give a s**t about the people they’re supposed to be serving. COVID-19 panic and the mob the leaders encourage are simply tools to help remove OMB and gain total power and unlimited funds. Get hurt? Had your home or business burnt down? Too bad. You were probably a racist or an Uncle Tom or White-adjacent or something and deserved it.

    And now you see why so many teachers are opposed to reopening schools. They’re needed on the barricades to fight ‘The Man’.

    Mr. H used the Brown Shirts in the 1930’s to intimidate and crush the opposition (including the original ANTIFA). What did he do when he gained power? Crushed the Brown Shirts. I haven’t identified who’s supposed to play Goering in this rerun. But right now my bet is it will be the VP pick, or whoever is really giving her her orders.

  • steve Link

    Yup, this is just like Hitler.


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