First Find a Process

I’d like to draw your attention to an op-ed from Sam Nunn and Dick Lugar in the recent Newsweek on taking on the issue of nuclear, chemical, and bacteriological weapons proliferation (hat tip: Newhoggers). In the article they make a number of proposals, with all of which I agree whole heartedly: reinvigorate Nunn-Lugar, reopen talks with Russia, and something I’ve mentioned here—initiate a nuclear fuel bank:

The next president should also help establish an international nuclear-fuel bank in order to discourage the proliferation of uranium-enrichment plants (facilities that can be used to make reactor fuel or bombs). A fuel bank would help close the loophole in the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty—which allows civilian enrichment—that Iran is trying to exploit. The United States should convince other countries that they need not build their own enrichment capabilities; they can get fuel instead at reasonable prices from the uranium fuel bank, all under the control of the International Atomic Energy Agency.

The bank, along with an active program of bidding up the price of uranium ore, could be an important part of raising the cost of developing nuclear weapons.

Check the article out.

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