Ever Hopeful

Ever hopeful, the editors of the Washington Post are actually pleased that the repeal of the overbroad and superannuated Authorization to Use Military Force failed to attract enough votes in the Senate to pass:

The Senate must now do the hard work of following through — particularly the Foreign Relations Committee, which Mr. Kaine has asked to take up the debate. Mr. Kaine and Mr. Flake’s draft AUMF provides a place from which the committee can begin its work. Now that the vote on Mr. Paul’s amendment has opened the door for a bipartisan effort to reform the authorization, there is no excuse not to walk through it.

What puzzles me is why they don’t think the matter is closed? The Senate has seen fit to delegate unconstitutional power to presidents to fight wars wherever and whenever they want for sixteen years now. Doesn’t past experience suggest that they’re more likely to stick with their core competency and do nothing?

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  • The Senate has seen fit to delegate unconstitutional power to presidents to fight wars wherever and whenever they want for sixteen years now.

    Not to nitpick, but I think Congressional inaction and inattention when it comes to foreign affairs goes back further than just sixteen years. This has been the standard operating procedure for some time now unfortunately.

  • The sixteen years refers to the AUMF which will turn 16 on Saturday. Yes, it goes back more than 50 years.

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