Did I Miss Anything?

Last night I watched the first 15-30 minutes of the vice presidential debate and then went to bed. From what I saw last night both candidates comported themselves reasonable well. I also noticed that they both seemed to run away from their records as fast as they could. Other than that I suspect that where you stand depends on where you sit.


I have seen claims from both Republicans and Democrats that Pence won last night’s debate. The only claims of Harris’s having won I have seen have been from Democrats. The most insightful remark about it I have seen was that the same “unlikeability” that Sen. Harris exhibited during her campaign for the Democratic nomination for president was evident in her performance last night.

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  • Drew Link

    I think if you only watched the first 15-30 mins you saw Harris’ best. It went south for her later, pretty significantly.

    Pence: 60-40 to 65-35.

    Traditional media commentary resorting to “VP debates don’t matter,” or “Pence was condescending” is revealing.

  • Greyshambler Link

    Senator Harris has, I think, a winning way of tilting her head and smiling that probably has worked well for her in securing a returning smile and tacit agreement from her adversaries .
    Pence never took the bait once.
    He’s a stronger man than me.

  • Jan Link

    I saw the first and last 15 minutes of this “debate.” Harris seemed smug and capable of easily saying statements or repeating memes that were patently false, but created good sound bites for her. I’ve heard her described as being very chameleon-like in her principles, because heady ambition has always been the underlying basis of who she is. But, what I find particularly irritating, is her voice – worse than HRC’s was.

    As for Pence, he gave a steady rendition of Trump’s record and what the administration wanted to accomplish in the future. He also factually disputed some of Harris’s claims she called “facts.”

  • Drew Link

    I think the left commentator’s rescue efforts fail. Mansplaining? This is the big leagues. She was mediocre in debating relatively sympathetic Dems. Failed with Pence. And how is this going to go with Xi or Putin?


    Not ready for prime time.

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