Casting Around

I’m casting around for something to write about today.

Richard Branson’s joyride into space is a curiosity. What’s to say? It’s interesting to me how life imitates Heinlein but that’s about it.

Cuban protesters are actually impeded by encouragement or support from the U. S. ‘Nuff said.

Yes, it’s hot in Death Valley. It just broke the world record. Global warming? Could be. I don’t know how you’d go about disaggregating the effects of releasing too much carbon dioxide into the air from local mucking about with the environment. I don’t dismiss global warming but I think in most cases local effects are a lot more significant and near term.

76 is a lot of people to be killed by lightning strikes in India. That’s twice as many as the U. S. has experienced in a whole year. Anybody have any ideas on what’s happening there? Attributing it to people taking selfies sounds far-fetched but stranger things have happened.

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  • CuriousOnlooker Link

    Watch the Caribbean / Latin America south of Mexico.

    Probably it is coincidental that there is political unrest in Cuba and Haiti at the same time; but if it is not and unrest spreads across the whole region….

  • I have thought for decades that we were remiss in not paying closer attention to the Caribbean and Central America until something really dire emerges there. Like it or not they are in our sphere of influence. We don’t have much choice. What happens there comes here.

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