Trump Lost

If there should be any reasonable doubt that Trump lost the 2020 election, an Associated Press investigation has found insufficient fraud to have made any difference:

ATLANTA (AP) — An Associated Press review of every potential case of voter fraud in the six battleground states disputed by former President Donald Trump has found fewer than 475 — a number that would have made no difference in the 2020 presidential election.

Democrat Joe Biden won Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin and their 79 Electoral College votes by a combined 311,257 votes out of 25.5 million ballots cast for president. The disputed ballots represent just 0.15% of his victory margin in those states.

The cases could not throw the outcome into question even if all the potentially fraudulent votes were for Biden, which they were not, and even if those ballots were actually counted, which in most cases they were not.

The review also showed no collusion intended to rig the voting. Virtually every case was based on an individual acting alone to cast additional ballots.

which you will also note comports pretty closely with what I have been saying. Vote fraud isn’t a myth, it’s actually pretty common, but its scale is not sufficient to have made a difference in the 2020 presidential election. And Conan Doyle’s advice remains a good rule of thumb. Once you have eliminated the impossible, what remains however improbably is the truth.

At this point I think that people of good will should all believe that Trump lost the election. And I think that Mr. Trump should be dissuaded to whatever degree possible by his supporters from any claims to the contrary.

10 comments… add one
  • bob sykes Link

    Still, the imagery: Trump drew crowds in the tens of thousands; Biden drew small groups of a dozen or so.

    I might also point out that the AP is a hard-left propaganda machine. There is no reason to believe anything they put out.

  • Drew Link

    A study by reporters from AP. Right. The ones who told us about Russian collusion and that Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation.

    And this is rich:

    “AP’s review found the potential cases of fraud ran the gamut: Some were attributed to administrative error or voter confusion while others were being examined as intentional attempts to commit fraud. In those cases, many involved people who sought to vote twice — by casting both an absentee and an in-person ballots — or those who cast a ballot for a dead relative such as the woman in Maricopa County, Arizona. Authorities there say she signed her mother’s name on a ballot envelope. The woman’s mother had died a month before the election.”

    Note the absence of reference to the mail in vote issue. Its always been about the mail in votes. You know, the ones that people pulled out from under tables after shooing the Republican observers out of the room and blocking windows?

    The only thing correct about this is one must move on. There is nothing to do about it but prevent it in the future.

  • Jan Link

    Below is a link dealing with Arizona’s Pima County’s whistleblower’s letter dealing with the illegal insertion of 35,000 ballots for Biden. It was sent to the DOJ, and of course ignored. Also dismissed is how disputed computer logs, in many states with Dominion machines, were either wiped clean, not given over to be inspected when requested, even subpoenaed, to those suspicious of the veracity of the vote. Fulton County GA, Wisconsin, Detroit MI, PA, CO were just some of the highlighted states with documented irregularities, having affidavits supporting people’s personal experiences with blocked access to ballots, ballots rerun through machines, suspicious ballot dumps with Biden getting an unrealistic 90% of the votes. Then you had Zuckerburg lavishly pouring money ( a third to a half a billion dollars) into dem precincts to hire a lopsided ratio of democrat poll watchers, while installing a slew of unmonitored drop boxes in Democrat precincts.

    IMO, if the Dems felt this was a fair election they would have welcomed any and all scrutiny – allowing the dominion machine logs and ballots to be fully reviewed, instead of obstructing every audit, every move made to either prove or disprove the legality of the votes cast.

    As for the AP review, at best it was a cursory review sampling some ballots and then blessing the election as having only “incidental fraud,” not enough to change the election results. And, while some people may say said review closes the book on Biden being an illegitimate president, a substantial number of people – some say as many as 50% of overall voters, and 85% of republicans – look at Biden as an unworthy thief and fraud.

  • Andy Link

    Those who believe the election was stolen need to provide verifiable evidence, not mere allegations and handwaving. So far such evidence has not been presented. The people clinging to the notion that Trump lost because of fraud sound like the Hillary people claiming the Russians stole the 2016 election.

  • CuriousOnlooker Link

    I say this half in cheek.

    Given how 2021 has gone, Trump is better off losing. If things don’t change (a big if), by end of next year, Democrats will be wishing Trump had won.

  • steve Link

    The Republicans ran the audit and investigation in Arizona. They hired an auditing group just to try to find problems. They couldn’t find any. Then they continue to claim that the stuff they just investigated and found to have no issues is why they dont believe the results. elsewhere, all of the documented irregularities when investigated are found to bye lies or false. it should be a real clue that if your team runs the investigations, hires the investigators, then acts as jury AND they still cant find fraud then it wasn’t there.

    Once again, this is just like Benghazi. It is what the GOP does. 8 investigations of Benghazi with many of those run by Republicans. Even when the Republican lead investigations (that is a plural please note) cant find any wrongdoing they still insist it must be there.

    “sound like the Hillary people claiming the Russians stole the 2016 election.”

    I missed the storming of the capital in 2016 and how many audits, investigations and suits did we have in 2016? Also, what I would point out again that this is really just a continuation of the belief by conservatives that there are millions of illegal votes every year. In spite of many GOP Attorneys general and DAs and special investigation groups brought together to look for it (remember the Kansas clown Trump appointed?) there is none to be found.


  • Andy Link


    There was the whole “russiagate” fiasco including criminal activity by various parties including an FBI lawyer, the improper and illegal use of FISA to illegally wiretap an American citizen and CIA informant, plus four years of the media and Democratic operative spouting off about Russia, Trump, and a stolen election.

    I don’t think you can dismiss the over-reaction to Hillary’s 2016 loss as some kind of nothingburger.

  • steve Link

    I didnt say it was, but there is still really no comparison. The Russia think got ONE investigation. Think about that. ONE. 8 for Benghazi. The Russo investigation took about 18 months. The Durham investigation is still going on at about 2 1/2 years and Benghazi investigations lasted 8 years. Lois Lerner? More than 3 years until they just dropped all charge against her. Republican hold more investigations, by far, and they last longer. They dont accept the results of their one investigations.

    Answer me this and maybe I can accept some sort of equivalence. How would you prove to Republicans that they are wrong and Trump really lost? Remember that they dont accept the results of their own investigations if they dont like them and so they keep doing them. How many appeals of Russiagate? How many repeat investigations done by Democrats?


  • I dispute the claim that the Associated Press is “hard left”. I believe it’s either neutral or, at the worst, slightly left-leaning in its political coverage. Evidence, please. My evidence for neutrality is

    IMO such a claim could reasonably be made about the New York Times and, sadly, increasingly the Washington Post but not the Associated Press.

  • Andy Link


    I’m not defending Republicans. But I think there is a pretty big difference between a criminal investigation (Russiagate) that resulted in serious illegal activity and Benghazi, which was a Congressional GoP circle-jerk.

    I am always deeply suspicious of politically motivated “investigations” but they become particularly concerning when specialized law enforcement tools designed for anti-terrorism are employed, and even more concerned when they are employed illegally. An illegal FISA wiretap is a really big fucking deal IMO, and is much more concerning than the stupidity of the Benghazi “investigations” which were purely political.

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