
I think that David Love’s post at The Grio accurately reflects how many black folk, particularly the black intelligentsia think:

President Biden needs to channel Lyndon B. Johnson, a Southern good ol’ boy who nevertheless passed the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act. Whatever went down between LBJ and those senators he took to the woodshed back in the 1960s, it worked. Biden must learn from this.

Today, Black people are asked to protest to regain the rights we won over 50 years ago. Democrats are disrespecting Black people when they expect us to save America, and injure ourselves for Team USA like work martyrs, yet they are in power and refuse to flex the power we gave them.

Meanwhile here in Chicago we’ve blown past the record-breaking number of murders that were committed in 2020, most of the victims black. One can only speculate whom they will blame for it.

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  • bob sykes Link

    “they expect us to save America, and injure ourselves for Team USA”

    What kind of whiney, self-absorbed, narcissitic insanity is this? David Love needs to get a life. He is fixated on Whites, what they are doing (in this case nothing), what they are thinking, what music they listen, etc etc. His whole mentality is consumed by his relationship with anonymous Whites he has never met and will never meet. Love is tiresome.

    Meanwhile, 7,500 blacks will be killed this year, nearly every one of them by another black. Love could not care less about those people.

    Black intelligentsia. What a joke.

  • I think he has a point when you limit your consideration to the Democratic Party. Blacks are the party’s most reliable voters. However, there are fewer black representatives than their numbers would suggest and their interests frequently get short shrift from the national Democratic Party.

    However the passage you quoted illustrates what it means to be radicalized with respect to race. CRT aims to radicalize the entire country with respect to race. IMO that will reap the whirlwind.

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