Questions for 2019

Hey, kids! Try your hand at David Ignatius’s multiple choice quiz for 2019 in his column at the Washington Post. Here’s one of the questions:

The Democratic candidate leading in public opinion polls on Dec. 31, 2019, will be: (a) Joe Biden, who promises to nominate former Homeland Security secretary Jeh Johnson as vice president; (b) Beto O’Rourke, whose campaign is boosted by a barnstorming country-music band headed by cable TV host Joe Scarborough; (c) Kamala D. Harris, who gains the endorsements of Michelle Obama, Elizabeth Warren and Hillary Clinton; (d) Amy Klobuchar, who runs on a platform of “Make America Smart Again.”

I think that a better question would be whether there will be a revolt against the present leadership of the Democratic Party, a prospect I find dubious, or whether the leadership will be able to get behind a candidate who doesn’t remember when Truman was president?

IMO the answers to most of his questions are either “None of the above” or “All of the above”.

6 comments… add one
  • TarsTarkas Link

    Kamala Harris will be the Democratic candidate for President. I said so almost immediately after the 2016 election, and the NY Times recently agreed. She’s biologically female, multi-ethnic, hard-left, and hates Trump. If she comes out as curly (which I doubt, considering her past history with Willie Brown) she will have checked off all the major intersectionality boxes. However, she will only be elected if the Democrats cheat big in all the swing states (Orange County in CA was a test run), as her rudeness is equal to Trump’s and her policies are abominable.

  • Andy Link

    John Hickenlooper, the outgoing Colorado governor has laid the groundwork for a 2020 run. I would like to see him on the Democratic ticket, but I don’t think he has a snowball’s chance in the primary, which I think will be dominated by the progressive wing of the party.

  • Ben Wolf Link

    I suppose it doesn’t matter for me. Not one name in those choices will get my vote. I’m done voting for the extreme Right.

  • bob sykes Link

    Harris sometimes sports a pedophile ring, small triangle in larger triangle. Would that be a problem or a benefit?

  • Guarneri Link

    I’m thinking The Natural Law Party would be a good fit for you, Ben. They claim they have all the magic answers………..

  • Gray Shambler Link

    “pedophile ring, small triangle in larger triangle”

    That’s why I come here, to learn new things.

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