Decline of the Family

Right on cue Joel Kotkin has a post at The American Mind on the decline of the family, not just in the United States but all over the developed world in which I include China. It’s dramatic, it looks like it’s accelerating, and it will have profound effects, few of them good. Here’s Mr. Kotkin’s peroration:

These are not issues of right or left, but concern the future of our civilization, not just economically but spiritually. Social democracy, as first developed in places like Sweden, sought to bolster families, not hem them in. Some conservatives have placed similar emphasis on the family unit. The debate should be not the utility of supporting families, but how best to do it.

This is a choice we need to make.

The days of motherhood, apple pie, and the flag being things which all Americans agree are unarguably good are long gone. The tragedy of it all is that for so many people, as Mr. Kotkin documents, a solitary life is not their preference.

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  • Drew Link

    Its amazing how fast people on the front lines can cast aside the garbage spewed by academics and zealots.

    My daughter, now in her second year of teaching inner city kids was recounting how frustrating things can be some days. She notes that she has kids at least a grade behind, and those who could be placed a grade ahead. And in all events notes that there is no inherent reason her kids cannot perform like any other group of kids, except.

    She has a child who she says could clearly be placed a grade ahead and never miss a beat. In the parent teacher conference both parents showed up, and had numerous questions. Very engaged.

    A problem child (class behavior/discipline) showed up late; mother only. She learned that the father “doesn’t want to have anything to do with” the child. Repeat this story over and over. Its all about values.

    By the way, the first set of parents were Nigerian. Americans, not so engaged.

  • Andy Link

    Yes, it’s very important for social stability. Unfortunately, most political elites do not agree or at least do not prioritize it outside a very narrow window.

  • Grey Shambler Link

    The shrillest always punch above their weight. Feminists have always thought women’s role in the family equates to slavery.
    Who are the loudest proponents of subsidized abortion? Feminists. Why?
    Children are the ball and chain that holds them in bondage .
    They never fail to support alternatives to the traditional family because they reject the role of the mother. But their favorite alternative is the Federal government, which like any growing bureaucracy, is hungry for expansion.
    It’s interesting, because no matter your level of education or social position, the future will always belong to those who show up, and right now, that looks like conservative Christians.

  • Stevo Link

    As the family recedes, the power of the State grows. This is what every government wants.

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