Cui malo

In her latest Washington Post column Mwgan McArdle explains some uncomfortable truths that will probably make her no friends on social media:

Empirically, we have a great deal of evidence that putting more police on the street reduces crime. We know that Black and Latino people are more likely to be victims of a serious crime than Whites or Asians. We also know that recent data suggests that homicides spiked in the United States’ largest cities last year by an average of 30 percent.

Yet none of that answers the most important question: For communities suffering under high burdens of both policing and crime, does the benefit of more police outweigh the costs of the policing to both individuals and communities?

Even if you concede that policing does reduce crime considerably — which many “defund the police” advocates don’t — it’s possible that more policing does reduce crime for mostly whiter and more affluent neighborhoods, while historically disadvantaged groups mostly bear the substantial costs of being policed. Most of the debate over the past year has implicitly assumed such a tradeoff.

Yet a new paper distributed by the National Bureau of Economic Research suggests this assumption isn’t quite right. Policing really does disproportionately burden Black communities (especially when it comes to low-level offenses), but it also disproportionately benefits them — not just by protecting victims from the people police arrest, but by protecting people who might otherwise have turned to crime.

The authors looked at 38 years of police employment data for America’s 242 largest cities, not just to see the policing’s effect on crime, but specifically, what its differential impacts were on different racial groups. In tune with earlier research, they found that bigger police forces reduced “index” crime — serious offenses such as violence, burglary or robbery. Depending on the exact model, they found that hiring somewhere between 10 and 17 new officers averted one homicide every year. And as the opponents of the “defund police” movement have suggested, this indeed disproportionately benefited Black communities: “In per capita terms,” they write, “the effects are approximately twice as large for Black victims.”

Get that? Black people benefit disproportionately from more law enforcement.

In an associated note published through the Niskanen Center, the authors write, “The decline in index crime arrests is four to six times larger for Black civilians than whites, which suggests that investments in policing are unlikely to have contributed to the massive and racially disparate growth in the scale of incarceration in the United States during the last four decades.”

or, said another way the “defund the police” and revisions to prosecution promoted by progressive states attorneys around the country actually harm black people. That’s completely consistent with what people in the black neighborhoods on the South Side of Chicago have been saying and completely different from the mostly white, mostly suburban online crusaders.

5 comments… add one
  • Grey Shambler Link

    Statistics and facts.
    Not hip, not sexy.
    Won’t sell.
    Social activism, Black Power, are marketing things.
    Sure the author is right, doesn’t matter at all.

  • PD Shaw Link

    Also, the cost of business closures or the five-finger-discount tax in neighborhoods with lots of shoplifting.

  • Drew Link

    “Black people benefit disproportionately from more law enforcement.”

    Which we knew without a fancy study. Its the race hustlers, the virtue signalers and certain politicians who benefit from distorting the the issue. Cruelty.

    Now can we talk about rent control, the dole, minimum wages………..

  • bob sykes Link

    Black crime, especially violent crime, is concentrated among young men from 15 to 30. There are only something like 2 million of them nationwide, and probably only 100,000 or so are gangbangers.

    That should be a manageable problem. However, blacks of all ages and social class actively defend the gangbangers despite the havoc they wreak on the black underclass.

    The reality that Megan McArdle and other commentators will not face is that a large majority of blacks reject the legitimacy of all American institutions, including the federal, state, and local governments. They are close to being in open insurrection and rebellion. The relationship is: Hamas is to Israel and blacks are to the US.

    Just as there is no solution to the Hamas/Israel conflict, there is no solution to black crime. Stay away from the no go zones. Move to rural American. You have enough problems of your own, and don’t need to meddle in the ghetto.

  • Grey Shambler Link

    BLM activists seem to sense a connection between themselves and Hamas.

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