What To Do in Pakistan

I’ve posted a reaction to Robert Tracinski’s article at RCP on Pakistan at Outside the Beltway. My own poorly-informed views on the subject are that we should cautiously and prudently support economic development in Pakistan, support democratic and liberal institutions there as best as we can, keep one hand on our wallet at all times, and otherwise keep our powder dry.

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  • Mir Link

    Dear Dave,
    I suggest that you keep to cooking only and not burn your bacon in place you say you are poorly informed, i.e. Pakistan. Fact sheet for you, we Pakistani eat “beef, not worship it”. So, keep this veggie eating Hindu India where it belongs, India has no role in Afghanistan, It is like “apple and oranges”. If US thinks it can play the Indian Card, remember, there are 40 million Pashtuns who have given a medicine to the Hindu he still smarts from. Read History, 1842, 1878 & 1919. Three Afghan wars, see the treatment served to British Indian Army. Hindu is welcome to try again in 21st century. He will be buried in Afghanistan/ Pakistan, why ? We eat T bone steaks. Our meat is their God. Take care. Medium or rare ?

  • I readily confess that my knowledge of Pakistan is slight. However, I think you’ve misunderstood what I’ve written. I disagree strenuously with Mr. Tracinski’s views.

  • Well, that was certainly an entertaining comment. Not quite what you had in mind, Dave?

    I think “our meat is their God,” is the phrase of the day.

    As for the substance I think you’re absolutely right. I think we stay engaged in Pakistan but keep an eye open, get the lay of the land, suss out the new crew, before we launch a grand encirclement strategy. But we also do as Mr. Obama suggested (and the Bush administration later endorsed) and when the opportunity arises, fly the occasional missile into the occasional Pakistani/Tribal cave.

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